66biolinks changelog
66biolinks currently has a total of 131 updates β¨ from 10 October, 2017 ποΈ.
The latest 66biolinks version is 54.0.0 and it was released on 3 March, 2025.
All of the updates for 66biolinks will be displayed on this page. 66biolinks versioning is based on the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH system.
Update 54.0.0 - 3 March, 2025
- Implemented Claim URL functionality for guests directly via the landing page.
- Implemented the ability to specify targeting feature access on a per-plan basis.
- Implemented the Facebook App linking feature that automatically triggers the Facebook app on mobile devices (except IOS chrome).
- Implemented the ability to set custom JS code on cloaked short URLs.
- Implemented the new theme for Tools widgets (3 per row).
- Implemented the new ratings system for Tools, including rich snippets (structured data) for better SEO.
- Implemented the ratings system statistics in the admin panel for the Tools system.
- Implemented the ability to track submissions/checks per Tools for statistics purposes.
- Implemented the new payment gateway for One time & Recurring payments: LemonSqueezy π.
- Implemented the new Spotlight search system - Enabled via the admin panel - settings page.
- Implemented all the available open graph tags to automatically work on all public pages to boost social media activity.
- Implemented the new way to set your custom theme color from the admin panel via a pre-set palette of colors.
- Implemented the HSTS header for security purposes on all endpoints.
- Implemented new BETA feature that automatically detects when you write example.com in an URL required field and automatically adds the required "https://" in front of it.
- Implemented the ability to control & specify if Iframe embedding is allowed on your site (disable, enable for all, or enable for specific domains only) via the admin panel.
- Implemented the new blog posts rating system.
- Implemented rich snippets (structured data) for blog posts with ratings for improved SEO.
- Implemented the ability to hide the account settings newsletter subscribe option - from the admin panel - settings page.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom branded color & border radius for all emails sent.
- Reworked & improved the landing page hero section.
- All landing page presentation images are now smaller and more performant via webp format.
- Added new Social formats for biolink pages: Bluesky, Mastodon, Onlyfans.
- Reworked the tools views & submissions statistics page in the admin panel to be separated.
- Reworked the tools search and extremely improved the search performance.
- Reworked the tools headings for widgets.
- Improved call to action buttons where feasible for system emails that are sent out.
- Improved meta parameters with more details for OpenGraphs and Twitter cards.
- Documentation integrated with the main look of the product website.
- Dark/Light mode can be switched now from CMD/CTRL + I shortcut.
- Improved & changed certain SVG icons to better support the dark mode look.
- Improved SEO by denying indexing on app routes that should not be indexed.
- Improved the image optimizer plugin to have a working fallback option when the public API fails.
- Fixed issues with certain IPs in the IP lookup tool.
- Fixed custom domains filters showing even if custom domains system is disabled.
- Fixed targeting system A/B testing bug when the user does not set his randomness chances.
- Fixed cookie consent system on pixels redirection via short URL system making some resources unnecessarily load multiple times.
- Fixed image optimizer plugin issues where it might not work in some cases.
- Fixed issues filters in the internal notification system.
- Fixed issues FAQ structured data schema on the landing page.
Update 53.0.0 - 3 February, 2025
- Implemented the ability to write a custom javascript code in the admin panel - that will only trigger on the first login of a user, after a successful registration.
- Implemented the ability to write a custom javascript code in the admin panel - that will only trigger on the thank you page after a successful payment of a user.
- Implemented the ability to add custom keys & values for the Language file directly via the admin panel.
- Now you can add as many testimonials & FAQ's dynamically via the language file as you wish to.
- Implemented the new Admin panel Payments API to retrieve the latest payments or a single payment.
- Implemented the ability to set a default payment type from the admin panel - settings - payment page.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Landing page with the Organization, Breadcrumbs & FAQ list.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Plans page with the available payment plans of the website.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Plans page with the available payment plans of the website.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Blog page with the BlogPosting native schema.
- Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup for breadcrumbs on most publicly available pages..
- Implemented o1, o1 mini, o3 mini to the AIX plugin.
- Confetti animation has been added on the first login of a user after a successful registration.
- Trimmed the animation on scroll library to reduce the size of the file (-50% in size).
- Now the admin panel - settings - cron page will show a visual warning when your cron jobs stop running.
- All plan monthly limits will now automatically reset when a user purchases a new plan.
- The adblocker modal will now only trigger on pages where ads are supposed to be shown, ignoring pages that do not even have ads displayed.
- If the user does not have access to the Export PDF feature, he will be blocked to use the browser printing functionality now.
- Fixed issues with certain plan limits being wrongly reset (instead of monthly).
- Fixed issues with certain language flags not being able to be used in the creation of a new Language via the admin panel.
- Fixed the Invoice page using the white label feature - when it shouldn't.
- Fixed the PDF & CSV export limitation based on plans not being applied to all pages.
- Fixed the Charts not displaying when a logo in the website is not set.
- Fixed a few issues with missing translations.
- Fixed issues with countries filtering in the broadcasts system.
Update 52.0.0 - 6 January, 2025
- Implemented the ability offer full white-labeling to the end user (custom Title, Logo & Favicon) customizable based on plans.
- Implemented the ability offer the Export (PDF, CSV, JSON) features on a per-plan basis.
- Implemented the ability to view & manage all the Biolink pages caught Data directly via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion).
- Implemented the ability to view & manage all the Biolink pages Guests Payments directly via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion) for the Payment blocks plugin.
- Implemented the ability to view & manage all the Biolink pages Payment Processors directly via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion) for the Payment blocks plugin.
- Implemented the Admin Panel Statistics page for Payment Processors for the Payment blocks plugin.
- Implemented the Admin Panel Statistics page for Guests Payments for the Payment blocks plugin.
- Implemented the ability to Bulk Delete Email Signatures for the Email Signatures plugin.
- Implemented the ability to view & manage the Team members via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion).
- Implemented the ability to use a one-click button to select / deselect permissions of a user from a Team.
- Implemented the ability to use a one-click button to enable / disable blocks of a plan via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to use include or remove yourself from the Directory page.
- Implemented the ability to set default order by via the Account Preference page for: projects, pixels, domains, signatures, splash pages, data, payment processors, guests payments, aix plugin pages.
- Added referrer policy tags to favicon image requests for more added privacy.
- Improved the language update process to automatically update all resources using that language (in case the language code/name changes).
- Removed GPT 4 Vision Preview from the AIX plugin (deprecated).
- Security improved checks against direct access to certain PHP files.
- Updated the available countries list & language locales to a more accurate one.
- Footer socials links now use the noreferrer tag for added privacy.
- Reworked the admin panel widgets for more available space.
- Reworked the Guests Payments page to use the table-style view for consistency purposes.
- Reworked the Payments Processors section to use the table-style view for consistency purposes.
- Reworked the Splash Pages section to use the table-style view for consistency purposes.
- Updated a few used external libraries of the project to their latest released versions.
- Improved SEO by adding image alt texts for all the landing page images.
- All datetime picker buttons will now show a smaller format as 19 Dec, 2024 instead of 19 December, 2024.
- Improved loading speed in certain cases by minifying a few unminified JS libraries (select2, daterangepicker).
- All charts now are automatically watermarked with your website's logo.
- Multiple other small improvements throughout the product.
- Fixed issue with the admin panel - view user page on Vcard, Event, Static links data.
- Fixed issue with the Follow URL Query Parameters system on the Short URLs feature.
- Fixed issue with the deletion of background images from the biolink themes on the admin panel.
- Fixed issue with the biolink pages share button when the overall font size is increased.
- Fixed issue with the audio block on biolink pages not showing the proper file size limit imposed to the user.
- Fixed issue with server sent emails not taking into consideration the Custom Reply & Name.
- Fixed issue with QR exporting to JPG when using mobile devices.
- Fixed issue with statistics pages not properly saving the filtering (by country, for example) in certain cases.
- Fixed issue with deleted Syntheses not deleting the actual file for the AIX plugin.
Update 51.0.1 - 16 November, 2024
- Improved whole system to not product layout shifts when Fontawesome icons are loaded.
- Gravatar avatars are now requested with the no-referrer tag for better privacy.
- EditorJS library files are now stored locally.
- Biolink blocks will now keep the original border when they are hovered.
- Fixed issue with Custom JS variables not working in pages like the Login, Register, Lost Password...etc.
- Fixed issue with content not being editable for broadcasts, pages, blog due to an EditorJS library release.
- Fixed issue with the QR code generator failing when 100% transparency on background is used.
- Fixed issue with internal notifications system not sending notifications when filters are used.
Update 51.0.0 - 12 November, 2024
- Implemented a custom and more friendly 500 error page (instead of blank white) when issues happen.
- Added the Whatsapp Channel social link for the socials biolink block.
- Added canonical link tags for biolink pages to avoid SEO issues.
- API key regeneration will now not work when the API is not available in the plan of the user.
- Added the currency switcher above the plans section.
- Fixed issue with the Short URL system when Cookie Consent is enabled and Pixels are used.
- Fixed issue with the QR code generator failing when certain colors are not inserted.
- Fixed issue with the Event Link events when dates are inserted improperly.
- Fixed issue with the decimal converter tool.
- Fixed issue with the QR code generator on Calendar events when dates are inserted improperly.
- Fixed issue with the dashboard chart not properly updating.
- Fixed issue with the Luminari font on biolink pages.
- Fixed issue with the Continents Statistics on Biolink Blocks.
- Fixed small issues dynamic sitemap generator.
Update 50.0.0 - 12 October, 2024
- Implemented the iframe embed block for biolink pages - ultimate blocks plugin.
- Implemented the ability to delete created links in bulk.
- Implemented continent tracking data for links analytics.
- Implemented the continents API endpoint for getting links analytics data.
- Implemented the ability to send filtered broadcasts/internal notifications based on the user language.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable block types completely from the admin panel - all disabled by default upon updating.
- Reworked the page that shows up when a database error is triggered to a more beautiful & simple one.
- Reworked the sizing of the images shown when no data is found in different pages.
- Reworked all the admin panel statistics pages empty states.
- Updated the MaxMind ciy/countries tracking databases to their latest versions.
- Updated the chartjs library to the latest version.
- Improved the pay page look when numerous payment gateways are available.
- Improved the push notifications plugin to support using variables and fixed issue with certain strings.
- Improved the structure and look of the account settings page 2FA section.
- Short URL destinations can now contain arab, chinese characters..etc as well.
- Added Signal social link to the biolink pages.
- Cleaned up a few pieces of unused CSS code.
- Refactored the way the background blur and brightness is generated in the biolink block pages and fixed numerous issues that were generated by the previous implementation.
- Fixed visual issue with the plugins page from the admin panel.
- Fixed domain update page bug with custom not found URLs.
- Fixed admin panel ad blocker detector feature not properly working.
- Fixed taxes not displaying properly on checkout when using tax values with decimals.
- Fixed some admin panel stats page not fully taking into consideration account timezone settings.
- Fixed issues with some filtering options not working in the broadcasts / internal notifications features.
- Fixed phone numbers not properly saving on vcard QR codes & links when labels are empty.
- Fixed QR code PIX payments not being properly generated.
- Fixed issue with viewing of certain images from the tools section.
- Fixed issue with duplicated audio, video, pdf blocks in biolink pages.
- Fixed issue with the map block link not being saved when created.
- Fixed missing translations for some tools.
Update 49.0.0 - 7 September, 2024
- Implemented the ability to set a Link use the index of a Custom domain - domain.com (instead of only domain.com/page-name URLs).
- Implemented the ability to set a Share biolink page button at the top right of the page.
- Implemented the ability to set scroll top/bottom biolink page buttons at the top left of the page.
- Implemented the ability to target Short URLs based on user Cities locations.
- Implemented the ability to display blocks based user Cities locations.
- Implemented the new GDPR compatible pixels system that asks for approval / denial of Cookies before continuing with the Pixels processing.
- Implemented the ability to set custom Opengraph image for Cloaked URLs.
- Implemented the ability to set custom Opengraph image & Favicon for Splash Pages.
- Implemented 12 new gradient presets for biolink pages.
- Implemented 5 new biolink themes presets for biolink pages.
- Implemented automatic preview generation for biolink themes (removing the need for manually inserting a preview image).
- Implemented automatic & live preview generation for biolink templates (removing the need for manually inserting a preview image).
- Implemented biolink theme duplication feature in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom Reply To email for the SMTP system.
- Implemented the ability to set custom CC, BCC emails for the SMTP system.
- Implemented the ability to set the amount of days the Remember Me cookie will be kept, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to use Custom Variables inside the Custom JS field of the admin panel - settings - custom page.
- Implemented the new redesigned admin panel dashboard widgets, along with the new monthly data.
- Implemented the new Cities Statistics chart for admin panel - statistics - users map page.
- Implemented the new Device Type Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
- Implemented the new Browsers Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
- Implemented the new OS Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
- Implemented the new Payment Processors Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the new Payment Plans Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the new Payment Types Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the new Payment Frequencies Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
- Implemented the ability to send out webhooks when a user updates their profile settings, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to translate announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
- Implemented the ability to translate affiliate plugin custom notes via the admin panel - settings - affiliate page.
- Implemented the ability to use custom variables & spintax for announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
- Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Broadcasts: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
- Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Internal Notifications: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
- Implemented the ability to use new variables for Admin Broadcasts & Admin Internal Notifications, such as User country, city, browser, os...etc.
- Implemented admin panel version notification bar which will alert you when new product updates go live.
- Implemented the ability to set a description (meta) for featured images in blog posts.
- Implemented the ability to Custom Body contents (Google Tag manager for example) via the admin panel - settings - custom page.
- Added the dashboard/links ability to filter by location URL.
- Improved the biolink pages Share block look and functionality with one click to copy button.
- Improved the biolink pages Map block to support displaying custom markers on the map.
- Improved the biolink pages YouTube block to support Autoplay, Controls, Loop & Muted settings.
- Improved the biolink pages PDF Document block to support mobile devices as well.
- Improved the biolink pages Review block to allow skipping of uploading an image and other fields that are not necessarily needed.
- Improved PWA plugin setting to be able to display the info download bar after X amount of seconds.
- Improved the biolink themes system to require less data & be more efficient and more user friendly.
- Improved the biolink templates system to require less data & be more efficient and more user friendly.
- Added the total users & percentages used for each admin panel - languages page.
- Added the users percentages used for each admin panel - plans page.
- Google, Cloudflare, Turnstile captchas will now support Dark Mode when used.
- Reorganized the admin panel - settings - main page.
- Admin panel - settings - announcements can now be enabled/disabled with ease (instead of removing content to disable them)
- Reworked the admin panel - plugins page to a more aesthetically pleasing one.
- Reworked the admin panel - codes page look and UX.
- Improved the look of the campaigns list table.
- Improved all the creation on / updated on tooltips to include how much time has passed.
- Fixed issue with deleting biolink blocks via the admin panel.
- Fixed issues with some complex filters when used in the admin panel.
- Fixed issues with Bulk Generation of QR codes.
- Fixed issues with Broadcast links not properly working in some cases when tracking is enabled.
- Fixed issues with Broadcast View Stats page not properly working in some cases.
- Fixed issues with FAQ block shadows not showing.
- Fixed issues with Avatar block shadows not showing.
Update 48.1.0 - 6 August, 2024
- Implemented the ability to add user variables for Custom JS fields in the admin panel - settings - custom page.
- Fixed caching issues after transferring links to another account.
- Fixed default ordering for links not properly defined by the admin panel settings.
- Fixed QR code default image upload location.
- Fixed avatar block not removing the uploaded image when requested.
- Fixed admin panel biolink blocks deletion not working.
Update 48.0.0 - 30 July, 2024
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the pixels system via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the default order by via the account preference page for Links & QR codes.
- Implemented the ability to set a default QR code image for the QR code generator.
- Implemented the ability to check and manage biolink blocks via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to filter, export, bulk delete biolink blocks via the admin panel.
- Implemented Continent display options settings for biolink blocks.
- Implemented Browser display options settings for biolink blocks.
- Implemented the ability to set the Autoplay, Controls, Loop, Muted features for the Video biolink block.
- Implemented the ability to set the Autoplay, Controls, Loop, Muted features for the Audio biolink block.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the biolink themes system via the admin panel.
- PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
- Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
- Added GPT 4o and GPT 4o mini in the admin panel settings for auto translations.
- Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
- Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
- Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
- Improved the custom domains system caching to require less manual cache removals.
- Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
- Improved numerous feature systems to not run extra checks and queries if that particular feature is disabled (domains, themes, templates, pixels...etc).
- Reworked the admin panel - settings - links page for better categorization.
- Added 4 new great fonts for the QR Code framing system & biolink pages.
- Added widget counters for all the link types for the Admin panel User View page.
- Collector type biolink blocks will now have the submit button reactivated on a new browsing session after 1 submission.
- Improved image grid biolink block to support 3x images per row for the mobile view as well.
- Improved admin panel biolink theme section to support the Description color setting as well for some blocks.
- Fixed issues with some biolink blocks not properly removing the uploaded thumbnail images.
- Fixed biolink block shadows not working properly for Markdown, Review & Timline blocks.
- Fixed QR Code bulk creation not working in some cases when the API system is disabled.
- Fixed QR code system issue with automatically refreshing the QR code even when not needed and blocking the submit button for a while.
- Fixed QR code system broken links in dynamic QR codes.
- Fixed issues with set filters after deletion of certain resources.
- Fixed QR code page not auto updating the QR when removing uploaded images.
- Fixed QR code system issues with transparency settings.
- Fixed statistics cities section not properly showing the country name / icon.
- Fixed statistics retention automatic clearing not properly taking into consideration the user plan.
- Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
- Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
- Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
- Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.
- Fixed admin panel push notifications campaign filters not saving properly - push notifications plugin.
- Fixed admin panel push notifications pagination not properly working - push notifications plugin.
- Fixed a few potential security issues with some parts of the software.
- Fixed splash pages not properly saving some types of ad codes.
Update 47.0.0 - 23 April, 2024
- Implemented the ability to set a default branded logo for all QR codes.
- Implemented the ability to toggle the default branded logo from QR codes based on the plan settings.
- Implemented QR Code Bulk Creation system.
- Implemented QR Code Bulk Download of all images capability.
- Implemented QR Code Bulk Deletion capability.
- Implemented the ability to set the First & Second alert for Event Types in QR codes.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom foreground image & its transparency for QR codes.
- Implemented new Dynamic QR code generator that will automatically show the custom created pages links.
- Implemented the ability to change the Encoding of the QR code.
- Implemented new Short URL feature that can automatically forward query parameters to the destination.
- Implemented new Short URL feature that allows you to easily generate UTM parameters.
- Implemented automatic scanning for QR codes that can tell you whether your code is readable.
- Implemented Custom Domains Bulk Deletion capability.
- Implemented Projects Bulk Deletion capability.
- Implemented Pixels Bulk Deletion capability.
- Implemented AI Images Bulk Deletion capability.
- Implemented AI Images Bulk Download capability.
- Implemented the Export to PDF functionality to the frontend app.
- Implemented VK video embed block for biolinks pages - Pro Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented the Contact Collector block for biolink pages.
- Implemented the Twitter Video Embed block for biolink pages - Pro Blocks Plugin.
- The Web Tools feature is now displayed in a nicely designed section on the homepage.
- Implemented the new GPT 4 Turbo model for the AIX plugin.
- Reworked the Data collection page and also implemented bulk deletion capability.
- Improve the modal look of the Email / Phone collector blocks for biolink pages.
- Improve QR code event type embedded data.
- All password fields now have a button to toggle the visibility.
- CSV & JSON export files are now dynamically named by the title of the page.
- Filters are now kept after a successful resource deletion (instead of resetting the filters).
- The currency switcher is now only displayed in pages which are related to making payments.
- Many other subtle improved visuals in certain parts of the product.
- Improve all bootstrap CSS files to generate themselves smaller without unused components.
- Fixed issue with Microsoft Login - now it will only work if the user initially created his account with the Microsoft Login feature.
- Fixed issue with CSV & JSON export on referrer paths from statistics page.
- Fixed issue with CSV & JSON export on UTM Medium / Campaign from statistics page.
- Fixed all chart issues when enabling printing from the browser.
- Fixed admin panel printing not being scrollable.
- Fixed a few sanitization issues in the backend.
- Fixed Twitter embeds for biolink pages not working with the new x.com links.
Update 46.0.0 - 21 March, 2024
- Implemented the ability to translate plan titles, descriptions from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the caching timer in the admin panel for the dashboard statistics chart.
- Implemented tools system categorization.
- Implemented the ability to set a Link & Alt image details for the Avatar biolink block.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the QR code types from the admin panel.
- Implemented more details and capabilities for the SSL Lookup tool.
- Implemented top most popular widget for the tools system.
- Implemented views tracking for the tools system.
- Implemented Brotli Checker tool.
- Implemented Barcode reader tool.
- Implemented HTTP2 checker tool.
- Improved look of the teams delegation header bar.
- Auto font type change preview implemented for the biolink editing page.
- Reworked majority of biolink blocks image file inputs to support the new upgraded way of displaying and uploading.
- Implemented filter to search by Pixel ID on the Pixels page.
- Implemented direct link to Links from the Pixels page, to filter based on the used pixel.
- Implemented direct link to Links from the Domains page, to filter based on the used domain.
- All image input fields now have a way to remove the selected image file to upload.
- Improved the teams page from the teams plugin to look better and display the total teams.
- Improved the menu dropdown logo to automatically change when theme is switched light to dark (or vice versa).
- Improved the theme settings in the admin panel to support the Offload plugin.
- Numerous other visual consistency cleanups and code optimizations.
- 404 pages now display a button to the dashboard if a user is logged in.
- Easier navigation to the homepage or dashboard from the admin panel sidebar logo.
- Chart colors now automatically adjust based on the theme settings you set in the admin panel.
- Admin panel user editing now propagates to all SSO connections.
- Fixed issue with code redeeming via the Account redeem page.
- Fixed links tracking system not tracking referrers properly when coming from the same domain.
- Fixed biolink blocks not tracking stats properly.
- Fixed QR code deletion not deleting the background file.
Update 45.0.0 - 20 February, 2024
- Implemented QR Code Custom Background Branding feature.
- Implemented QR Code FRAMES feature - coming with 8 different frames.
- Implemented QR Code responsive & resizable frame text feature.
- Implemented QR Code frame text fonts selector feature.
- Implemented QR Code frame custom colors for the frame and text.
- Implemented UPI payment - QR code type.
- Implemented EPC payment - QR code type.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable AI scraping on your website content - from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to configure and set background Blur for the biolink pages & themes in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to configure and set background Brightness for the biolink pages & themes in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set a default biolink theme or template via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to configure biolink templates on a per plan basis.
- Implemented new handler for pages that do not show data because of filtering for better UX.
- Reworked many file image uploaders to support image preview & look better.
- Added the currency parameter to the Thank You page URL after a successful payment.
- Improved Offload plugin - region can now be edited in all cases.
- Improved Static Pages Links to handle different uploaded file types, for a more robust static pages system.
- Added more fonts to biolink pages selector.
- Static Pages Links are now featured in the default landing page.
- Removed deprecated AI models - AIX plugin.
- Improved the QR code creation and update page with a new and intuitive QR code type selector.
- Improved short URL app linking feature to have a fallback in case the particular app is not installed on the phone.
- Improved short URL app linking feature - Added Twitter, Reddit, Amazon, TripAdvisor detections.
- Improved the biolink page settings/blocks - when a new collapsible block is opened, the rest will close.
- Added the ability to set a default tab (settings or blocks) for biolink page editing from the admin panel.
- Branding section for custom pages can now contain dynamic variables, such as the affiliate tag of the user.
- Fade in animation for all pages is now reduced from 1s to 500ms for a faster and snappier feel.
- Removed complex fade animations for the hero section on the landing page to improve LCP for SEO purposes and UX.
- Improved Pixels feature look on the landing page.
- Improved header text and buttons in some app pages not being consistent and responsive properly.
- Improved Spotify block to support playlist links as well.
- No data, Thank you, Affiliate, 404 svg images now support dynamic colors - based on the theme color.
- Improved the affiliate page, now it will show a range of potential commissions (ex: "10% - 50%" instead of "variable commission").
- Improved the admin panel theme page to be a bit easier to understand.
- Fixed language creation/updating when using certain characters in the name of the language.
- Fixed broadcast statistics viewing page issues.
- Fixed statistics pages navigation styling inconsistencies.
- Fixed AI Documents creation issues with old models (token limitations) - AIX plugin.
- Fixed splash pages title not being saved when creating a splash page.
- Fixed biolink favicon not being deleted when deleting the actual biolink page.
- Fixed biolink image slider duplication or usage via a template, leading in some cases to randomly removed image slider images.
- Fixed SSO issue when using it with a logged in team member.
- A lot of other behind the scenes things that have been changed and improved.
Update 44.0.0 - 27 January, 2024
- Implemented the ability to enable and display latest Blog posts on the homepage footer.
- Improved the top menu dropdown when being logged in, showing all internal app links.
- Reworked the whole discounts system to be able to choose the Plans for the discount, directly on the discount creation page in the admin panel.
- Cookie consent dependancy upgraded and improved to support RTL.
- Improved the admin panel language update page - added scroll up / down floating buttons.
Update 43.0.0 - 16 January, 2024
- Implemented the new account preference page.
- Implemented the ability to allow the user to add his own API keys for AI features via the account preference page - AIX plugin.
- Implemented the ability to force the user to use his own API keys via the admin panel plans section - AIX plugin.
- Implemented PHP 8.3 support.
- Implemented Webhooks that execute before a Cron run and after a Cron run. Helpful when wanting to monitor Cron executions.
- Implemented the ability to enable automatic user plan expiration checking via the cron job, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to enable automatic "remember me" checkbox checking when logging in, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to display social media icons on all the emails sent out.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the PWA installation helper bar.
- Implemented ability to add your company legal details to all sent out emails.
- Implemented ability to enable/disable the whole breadcrumbs system.
- Implemented ability to enable/disable the pagination widget when only one page is available.
- Improved the template of all the emails sent out by the system.
- SSO links will now display in the admin panel as well.
- You will now be able to disable the SSO links from automatically displaying in the menu.
- Improve PWA installation bar not showing on mobile iOS for Safari.
- Bootstrap popper dependency upgraded to the latest version.
- Upgraded cookie consent library to the latest 2.9.2 version.
- Improved admin panel - settings - cron page with copy and execute buttons.
- Improved the way plan savings for annual memberships are displayed.
- Improved the look of the DNS Lookup Tools page.
- Fix language change from the footer language selector issues.
- Fix admin taxes deletion not working properly.
- Fix annual plan savings not showing the proper currency.
- Fix currency switcher not working properly when a user is logged out.
- Fix small issue with Midtrans payments being classified as other payment gateways.
- Fix not being able to change the Plan Trial Done status when editing a user in the admin panel.
Update 42.0.0 - 14 December, 2023
Extended licenses holders β¨
- Implemented SSO (Single Sign On) support where you can automatically switch between AltumCode software installations with a single click of a button.
- Implemented Multicurrency support for payments.
- Implemented the ability to set default payment processor on a per-currency basis.
- Implemented the ability to set allowed currencies on a per-payment-gateway basis.
- Implemented Midtrans payment gateway for one time payments.
- Implemented Yizico payment gateway for one time payments.
- Implemented Flutterwave payment gateway for one time & recurring payments.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the password requirement when first logging in via a social network.
- Implemented the ability to set the position of new biolink blocks (top or bottom) via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the minimum and maximum short URL length on a per-plan basis.
- Added all languages available on the OpenAI Text to speech feature.
- Implemented a subtle prompt to install the PWA app with instructions based on the device for the PWA plugin.
- Added new gradient presets and replaced old ones for biolink pages.
- Implemented the ability to specify the Output format for the Text to speech functionality of the AIX plugin.
- Implemented a new "Health check" page in the admin panel - settings section.
- Added new gradient presets and replaced old ones for biolink pages.
- A better looking custom scrollbar is now applied on all widgets that are scrollable.
- Improved the looks of the "Logged in as Team" bar at the top of the page for the Teams plugin.
- Upgraded bootstrap CSS/JS to latest v4.6.2.
- Push notification subscription modal will now only automatically show to the user if their browser is compatible for the Push Notifications plugin.
- Stripe implementation has been reworked to support the latest available API version.
- All AIX plugin creation features now auto fill the name - for faster creation.
- Fix issues with CTA block on biolink pages.
- Fix biolink page duplication issue.
- Fix pay page not having default values selected in some cases.
- Fix ad blocker detector not working properly.
- Fix ClipDrop bug with AI image creation for the AIX plugin.
Update 41.0.0 - 17 November, 2023
- Implemented the ability to set a custom start URL - PWA plugin.
- Implemented notification badges for installed PWA instances in case the user has an internal notification pending - PWA plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set preview screenshots for mobile and desktop when installing the PWA of the app - PWA plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set shortcuts for contextual menu on the PWA app - PWA plugin.
- Implemented admin panel statistics page for Internal notifications sent.
- Implemented new filters for users logs: device type filter, city search, continent filter, country search, browser name and browser language.
- Implemented new custom select component with search for the frontend and admin panel.
- Implemented admin panel new details and filters for each user based on last login: OS Name, Browser language, Device type.
- Implemented admin panel new filter for broadcasts: device type.
- Implemented admin panel new filter for internal notifications: device type.
- Implemented the ability to change the default payment frequency selected, via the admin panel.
- QR code embedded data will now be displayed to the user when creating / updating a QR code.
- Implemented the new App linking feature for Short URLs that can automatically detect certain apps and open them via mobile.
- Implemented YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Telegram, Whatsapp, Fb Messenger, Spotify, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Netflix, Twitch, Google Sheets, Google Maps, Airbnb for App linking automatic detection on short URLs.
- Implemented the ability to disable hover animation on a bio link page.
- Implemented the ability to set the width of a bio link page.
- Implemented the ability to set the spacing between each block in a bio link page.
- Implemented the Threads embed block.
- Implemented the Snapchat embed block for the Pro Blocks plugin.
- Implemented the Telegram embed block for the Ultimate Blocks plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set custom phone number labels for Vcard links, Vcard block & Vcard QR codes.
- Implemented the ability to change the Image slider block interval setting.
- Reworked the looks of the Directory page.
- Now the pages outside the app will all have the same new menu and footer as in the index.
- Multiple blocks will now display relevant name to make it easier to identify them when editing a bio link page.
- Image Grid block can now handle 2 & 3 columns by settings as well.
- The ad blocker detector will only be triggered when a user is not logged in and does not have the No ads plan feature.
- Cleaned up and optimized duplicated translations.
- Admin panel taxes can now be deleted in case they are created by mistake.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom delay for the ad blocker detector modal via the admin panel.
- Fix internal notifications URL destination bug.
- AIX Plugin Changes
- Implemented DALL-E v3 images API model.
- Implemented the new GPT 4 Vision API into the AI Chat functionality, to upload images and ask any info about them.
- Implemented Text to Speech functionality via OpenAI.
- Implemented AI Chat settings for Context length & automatic end of maximum context handling.
- Implemented AI Chat settings for creativity (temperature).
- Improved the AI Chat window overall experience (added total number of messages, timestamp, scroll window, easier chat creation with pre-filled name).
- Removed old and deprecated AI models: davinci, curie, babbage, ada.
- Added latest released OpenAI models: GPT 3.5 Turbo latest version, GPT 4 1106 preview.
Update 40.0.0 - 13 October, 2023
- Implemented New Static Pages Link Type.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable force download for file links.
- Implemented the ability to set a logo for a splash page.
- Implemented Splash Pages API endpoint.
- Implemented Splash Pages ability to add ads as a user.
- Implemented the HTTP Status code customization feature for short links.
- Implemented the Cloaking URL feature for short links.
- Implemented the Cloaking URL feature to be toggled on/off via the plan settings.
- Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
- Implemented API endpoint for Domains in the admin panel.
- Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
- Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
- Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events.
- Implemented the ability to change the main font of the whole website directly from the admin panel.
- Implemented Database tables size stats in the admin panel statistics page.
- Implemented Search widget for the Blogging system.
- Implemented the ability to change the IP displayed to the user for the Custom Domains page shown to the user.
- Implemented Redeemed Codes Statistics page in the Admin panel.
- Implemented new admin panel statistics page for Event links.
- Implemented new admin panel statistics page for File links.
- Implemented new admin panel statistics page for Static Pages links.
- Implemented new admin panel statistics page for Vcards links.
- Implemented User's plans distribution statistics table in the Admin panel.
- Implemented Blog RSS feed.
- Implemented Microsoft social login.
- Implemented canonical tags for public pages where they will help with SEO.
- Implemented the ability to change the OpenAI model for admin panel translation usage.
- Implemented the ability to set a CDN via the Offload plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set a Language flag and also set the order of the Languages via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to transfer Link ownership to another account via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to transfer Qr code ownership to another account via the admin panel.
- Improved the Pay page by displaying an alert on the title when leaving the page.
- Improved the UI on the admin panel statistics page.
- Cleaned up the share buttons used in places like blog posts & custom pages and added Telegram share button.
- Upgraded ReCaptcha, PHPMailer, TwoFactorAuth, Stripe project dependencies to their latest versions.
- Other small code improvements, changes and tweaks across the whole product.
- Fix API User endpoint not working properly.
- Fix Paypal recurring payment rare issue when the business name is not provided.
- Fix Admin panel Discount update not working properly in some cases.
- Fix small issues with Link Scheduling via the API.
- Fix vcard, event, file links pixels not properly processing.
- Fix download csv/json feature on the link statistics pages for Entries.
Update 39.0.0 - 9 September, 2023
- Implemented custom splash pages system for users - where they can create and configure their own splash pages for their links.
- Implemented the ability to set custom css & custom js for default splash pages via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set auto redirection for splash pages from the admin panel.
- Improved and changed the overall look of the app interface.
- Added the new Threads social network in the footer - from the admin panel.
Update 38.0.0 - 3 September, 2023
- Implemented Splash Page for links feature - where you can setup a countdown timer with ads, based on plan settings via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to display smaller verification checkmark on the Heading block as well.
- Improved pixel creation type selector.
- Improved announcements look on the frontend.
- LinkedIn login transitioned to the new version required by LinkedIn.
- Fixed internal notifications not properly displaying payment details.
- Fixed vcard block duplication not properly duplicating.
- Fixed missing fontawesome social icons.
Update 37.0.0 - 27 August, 2023
- Implemented the ability to control the length of the generated random short URL from the admin panel.
- Implemented FAQ block on the homepage which can be enabled from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to toggle similar tools, extra content and share buttons for the Tools section.
- Added support for PHP 8.2.
- Reworked the home index page.
- Improved look on plans page.
- Improved look on affiliate page.
- Improved look on plan payment thank you page.
- Improved look and how internal notifications widget works.
- Upgraded from FontAwesome 5 to FontAwesome 6.
- Fixed broadcasts new editor variables not working properly.
- Fixed the ability to create short URLs on language paths or folder names of the product.
- Other overall look and feel improvements.
Update 36.0.0 - 12 August, 2023
- Implemented the ability to change the referral key to a custom one.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable blog system sections: popular widget, views, categories widget, whole system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable pages system sections: popular widget, views, whole system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable testimonials section in the landing page via the admin panel.
- Implemented new blocks type editor for the Pages & Blog articles creation page.
- Implemented new blocks type editor for the Broadcasting system.
- Implemented Spintax compatibility with Internal notifications & Broadcasting system.
- Reworked the languages system to improve the way languages are updated on future versions and SEO regarding the language switching mechanism.
- Improved the blog article edit / create page look.
- Improved the page edit / create page look.
- Improved the broadcasted emails - now you can mark a newsletter as a system email (mandatory) which will now show the unsubscribe button.
- Improved the broadcasted emails - now the user phishing code will show in there as well.
- Improved the caching on some pages that results in further performance improvements.
- Improved the blog category and pages category parts when there are no posts to display.
- Improved the language translation system to show you potential translation errors when dealing with variables.
- Changed the referral key parameter from
. - Fixed the ability to create short URLs with restricted paths - such as "en", "app"...etc.
- AIX Plugin Changes
- Implemented AI Document template: PHP code snippet.
- Implemented AI Document template: JS code snippet.
- Implemented AI Document template: SQL code snippet.
- Implemented AI Document template: HTML code snippet.
- Implemented AI Document template: Python code snippet.
- Implemented the ability to create multiple chat assistants with different personalities and knowledge, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set multiple OpenAI API keys - which will randomly be used when doing an OpenAI API request.
- Improved the chat page message field.
- Implemented Quote generator AI Template.
- Implemented LinkedIn post generator AI Template.
- Implemented Twitter thread generator AI Template.
- Implemented Pinterest caption generator AI Template.
- Implemented TikTok video caption generator AI Template.
- Implemented TikTok video idea generator AI Template.
- Implemented Song lyrics generator AI Template.
- Implemented Joke generator AI Template.
- Implemented Welcome email generator AI Template.
- Implemented Outreach email generator AI Template.
- Implemented Facebook ads copy generator AI Template.
- Implemented Google ads copy generator AI Template.
- Implemented LinkedIn ads copy generator AI Template.
- Improved the code when waiting for the OpenAI API answers - the site will not lock itself for the user anymore (for other tabs).
- Improved the chat page: Now you can submit the chat message with the Enter key, and add a new line with Shift+Enter.
- Implemented StableDiffusion API for the AI Images section, which can be defined on a per-plan basis.
Update 35.0.0 - 19 July, 2023
- Implemented biolink pages Rumble Embed block for the Ultimate Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented new internal notifications system for users and admins.
- Implemented internal notifications broadcasts to users from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to track broadcasts links clicks, views and show them in a proper new broadcasts statistics page.
- Implemented the ability to duplicate broadcasts.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the API system completely via the Admin panel.
- Implemented welcome emails to freshly registered users.
- Implemented the ability for the user to specify custom notes for invoices and improved the invoice look.
- Implemented the ability to force HTTPS requests.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed login attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed password reset attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed resend activation attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple registration attempts.
- Implemented LinkedIn social login feature.
- Implemented the ability to only allow social logins registrations.
- Implemented the ability to allow and Display newsletter sign up checkbox on registration page on the Registration page.
- Implemented new broadcasts filtering system by: subscription status, status, plans, source, continents, countries.
- Implemented caching for all the custom pages and pages categories for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for all the blog posts & blog categories for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for plan payment page for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for account stats in the dashboard for higher performance.
- Implemented intelligent performance optimization that will literally 100x and use less server resources for certain cached pages.
- Improved the link statistics pages looks by adding OS and Browser icons.
- Improved the admin panel dashboard - added online users counter.
- Improved all the chart looks, speed and animations.
Update 34.0.0 - 4 June, 2023
- Implemented OpenAI API - Auto translation for the Languages section in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to customize the whole bootstrap theme colors via the admin panel.
- Improved biolink page preview, including a loading animation.
- Improved landing page by adding nice-looking and smooth animations to certain sections.
- Implemented tooltips over the Create buttons (ex: Project create button) where the usage & limits of your current plans are shown.
- Fixed API QR code vcard phone numbers not properly working.
- Fixed account settings page not saving in certain situations.
- Fixed FAQ block background transparency bug.
- Fixed image slider block not showing properly on RTL languages.
- Fixed Directory page mobile responsiveness.
Update 33.0.0 - 2 May, 2023
- Completely reworked the biolink add new block modal to a more better and modern one.
- Implemented the ability to customize the block shadows of all the blocks that support borders.
- Implemented biolink pages Big Link block for the Ultimate Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented biolink pages Typeform embed block for the Ultimate Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented biolink pages Markdown block for the Ultimate Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented biolink pages PDF Document block for the Ultimate Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented biolink pages TikTok profile embed block for the Pro Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented biolink pages Pinterest profile embed block for the Pro Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented biolink pages Twitter profile embed block for the Pro Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set background position for biolink pages.
- Implemented the ability to set avatar image position for biolink pages.
- Implemented the ability to completely enable/disable the API system from the admin panel.
- Implemented admin panel users page filter by user subscribed or not.
- Improved the live preview of changes in the biolink page of multiple blocks.
- Improved the paragraph block - now also has a background with multiple new customizable parts.
- Improved the creation process of the biolinks templates in the backend.
- Improved API documentation pages with a good looking code highlighter.
- Improved all the range type inputs to show the current value.
- Added icons for operating systems and browsers in the statistics pages.
- Updated the MaxMind countries & cities detection databases to their latest versions.
- Improved the account settings pages with icons and cleaned up parts of the code.
- Fix bug with HTTP headers tool.
Update 32.0.0 - 12 April, 2023
- Implemented the new Biolink pre-built Templates system, configurable and managed via the admin panel.
- Implemented the new Broadcasts system which allows you to easily send bulk emails to your users.
- Implemented new QR code styles: Heart, Diamond.
- Implemented new QR inner eye / outer eye styles: Diamond, Flower, Leaf, Circle, Rounded.
- Implemented the ability to set a maximum upload size for payment proofs of the Offline Payment type of payments, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the amount of days when the system should send a plan expiry reminder, via the admin panel.
- Implemented filters for the biolinks themes admin panel page.
- Improved the admin panel domain update page, now it will show current detected DNS values.
- Improved the admin panel codes page to be able to filter redeemed codes and payments.
- Improved the admin panel taxes page to be able to filter payments based on particular used taxes.
- Improved the admin panel user dropdown menu in the sidebar with all the available account links.
- Improved YooKassa payment gateway to support the receipt parameter.
- Improved look of the Guests payments page for the Payment blocks plugin.
- Improved look of the biolink page verified badge.
- Duplicated biolink blocks now go right under the original one, instead of at the end.
Update 32.0.0 - 12 April, 2023
- Implemented the new Biolink pre-built Templates system, configurable and managed via the admin panel.
- Implemented the new Broadcasts system which allows you to easily send bulk emails to your users.
- Implemented new QR code styles: Heart, Diamond.
- Implemented new QR inner eye / outer eye styles: Diamond, Flower, Leaf, Circle, Rounded.
- Implemented the ability to set a maximum upload size for payment proofs of the Offline Payment type of payments, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the amount of days when the system should send a plan expiry reminder, via the admin panel.
- Implemented filters for the biolinks themes admin panel page.
- Improved the admin panel domain update page, now it will show current detected DNS values.
- Improved the admin panel codes page to be able to filter redeemed codes and payments.
- Improved the admin panel taxes page to be able to filter payments based on particular used taxes.
- Improved the admin panel user dropdown menu in the sidebar with all the available account links.
- Improved YooKassa payment gateway to support the receipt parameter.
- Improved look of the Guests payments page for the Payment blocks plugin.
- Improved look of the biolink page verified badge.
- Duplicated biolink blocks now go right under the original one, instead of at the end.
- AIX Plugin Changes
- Implemented a fully-featured AI Chat system.
- Implemented the custom Templates Category system.
- Implemented the custom Templates system.
- Implemented API response time for OpenAI requests for each request, which will show in the admin panel (transcriptions, documents ,images).
- Implemented GPT 4 model for AI Documents.
- Multiple other plugin improvements over all pages.
- Fixed admin panel: transcriptions, images & documents deletion not working.
- Fixed a few bugs related to the Documents, Images & Transcriptions pages.
Update 31.0.0 - 13 March, 2023
- Implemented MercadoPago one time payments.
- On registration, now you will be redirected to a page containing the
URL parameter, for easy conversion management when needed. - Fixed biolink page duplication - now duplicated pages will not be automatically verified.
- AIX Plugin Changes
- Implemented Speech to Text AI.
- Configurable from the admin panel - settings - AIX section and admin panel - plans section for your users.
- Implemented Mood selector for Image Generation.
- Implemented Website Headline Generator template.
- Implemented Blog Article Idea Generator template.
- Implemented Blog Intro Generator template.
- Implemented Blog Outro Generator template.
- Implemented Blog Article Generator template.
- Implemented the ability to duplicate AI Documents & Images with ease.
- Implemented Reviews - AI Documents template.
- Implemented Hashtag - AI Documents template.
- Implemented GPT3.5 Turbo model for AI documents.
- Implemented AI Images - artist style setting generation.
- Implemented AI Images - style setting generation.
- Implemented AI Images - lighting setting generation.
- Implemented more widgets in the admin panel dashboard.
- Implemented categorized templates page for AI documents.
- Implemented the ability to display latest generated AI images on the home page - can be enabled from the admin panel.
- Reworked the look of the AI Images table, creation and update pages.
- Reworked the look of the AI Documents creation page.
- Improved how tokens are calculated and handled for AI documents in the backend.
- Improved AI images result separation when choosing multiple variants.
- Fixed a few issues with text prompts in AI documents generation.
- Fixed GPT3.5 Turbo model implementation bug.
Update 30.2.0 - 18 February, 2023
- AIX Plugin Changes
- Implemented Explain like I am 5 - document type.
- Implemented Text to emoji - document type.
- Implemented Ad title - document type.
- Implemented Ad description - document type.
- Implemented Tweet Generator - document type.
- Implemented Instagram Caption Generator - document type.
- Implemented Product Name Generator - document type.
- Implemented Viral Ideas Generator - document type.
- Implemented Startup Ideas Generator - document type.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable Documents / Images system individually, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the list of allowed languages for documents, via the admin panel.
- Implemented NSFW word checks & filters, to avoid getting your API key abused, set via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the AI Document Model on a per-plan basis, set via the admin panel.
- Improved words per month limitation checks.
Update 30.1.0 - 11 February, 2023
- Implemented filter by AI Type & order by generated words - AI Documents page (AI Writer plugin).
- Implemented output language for AI documents (AI Writer plugin).
- Implemented Blog Article Idea & Outline Type (AI Writer plugin).
- Implemented Blog Article Section Writer Type (AI Writer plugin).
- Implemented Video Idea Type (AI Writer plugin).
- Implemented Video Title Type (AI Writer plugin).
- Implemented Video Description Type (AI Writer plugin).
- Improved AI document generation with a better loader in case it takes more time to generate it (to avoid double submissions).
- Improved link type pages - Now you will not see a dropdown to choose which type of link to create. If you are on the even links list, you will automatically get the proper modal when wanting to create a link.
- Fixed Event links not showing up in the sidebar.
- Fixed all GET API endpoints results_per_page not being taken into consideration.
Update 30.0.0 - 9 February, 2023
- Implemented & released the π€ Ai Writer plugin.
- Implemented palindrome checker tool.
- Fixed a few tool descriptions missing translations.
- Fixed plans showing up even if set as hidden.
Update 29.0.0 - 3 February, 2023
- Implemented & released the βοΈ Email signatures plugin.
- Implemented sidebar instead of top menu, as per the twitter poll result.
- Implemented teams & teams members statistics, viewable from the admin panel.
- Implemented User city & continent tracking, viewable from the admin panel.
- Implemented Admin panel statistics for: Continents, Countries & Devices (including visual map).
- Implemented Admin panel plan duplication feature.
- Implemented user logs city & continent tracking as well.
- Implemented the ability to set who can see the directory page (from the admin panel settings).
- Implemented caching for additional domains, making certain pages faster.
- Implemented caching for plans making certain pages faster.
- Implemented 1 hour caching for the stats in the landing page making it faster.
- Improved the performance of the dashboard, links and link pages.
- Updated User API Admin endpoint with all the user details.
- Updated Admin User View page to display more user details.
- Improved the chart UI when having a lot of dates selected.
- Fixed URL shortner with pixels not working properly.
- Fixed link creation without a custom alias not being properly randomized.
- Fixed meta tags checker tool not working properly with certain characters.
- Multiple other code cleanups and improvements.
Update 28.0.0 - 8 January, 2023
- Implemented Mollie payment processor for the Payment Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for blog posts.
- Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for individual pages.
- Implemented the ability to toggle the publishing status for blog posts.
- Implemented the ability to toggle the publishing status for individual pages.
- Implemented Order by last updated time filters for all resources.
- Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for biolink pages.
- Fully reworked the UI of the admin panel.
- Fully reworked the UI of the installation, documentation and updating process to match the new admin panel UI.
- Reworked the Pixels create/update pages to match the style of all my other products.
- Reworked the Domains create/update pages to match the style of all my other products.
- Reworked the Teams plugin to give more customizability regarding permission levels.
- Fixed plans and invoice pages not using custom decimal and thousand separators.
Update 27.0.0 - 8 December, 2022
- Implemented unconfirmed users auto deletion feature, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented verified biolinks filter in the admin panel -> links page.
- Implemented thank you redirect URLs for the payment blocks.
- Implemented qr codes duplication feature.
- Implemented a better color picker for all color type inputs.
- Implemented the ability to export to CSV, JSON, PDF the domains via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to show/hide the plans section on the homepage.
- Improved the border radius & style of the HTML components.
- Reworked additional custom domains, now you can select which additional domains are available on a per-plan basis.
- Reworked URL redirection for better UX: When you access a page without being logged in, now you will be able to login and automatically be redirected to your initial requested page.
- Reworked the admin panel language translation pages for better clarity and also performance.
- Reworked the Paddle implementation to work with the new API changes.
- Reworked all the Yes/No form selectors to switches, for better UX (1 less mouse click).
- Fixed blog category page bug.
- Multiple other code cleanups, fixes and improvements.
Update 26.0.0 - 3 November, 2022
- Implemented Turnstile Cloudflare captcha system.
- Implemented Image Slider Block for the Ultimate Blocks plugin.
- Implemented Timeline Block for the Ultimate Blocks plugin.
- Implemented Review Block for the Ultimate Blocks plugin.
- Implemented Alert Block for the Pro Blocks plugin.
- Implemented List Block for the Pro Blocks plugin.
- Implemented more customizability features for the FAQ block.
- Implemented the ability to change the referred by id of a user from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to have multiple phone numbers for Vcards (vcard links, vcard block & vcard QR).
- Implemented Text Alignment options for multiple blocks.
- Implemented user deletion email notification for admins.
- Implemented the ability to export domains data from the admin panel to CSV & JSON.
- Implemented a custom way to export data from the Data page to CSV dynamically.
- Implemented gravatar checker tool.
- Implemented Celsius to Kelvin tool.
- Implemented Fahrenheit to Kelvin tool.
- Implemented Kelvin to Celsius tool.
- Implemented Kelvin to Fahrenheit tool.
- Implemented Code Redeemed webhook in the admin panel.
- Now you can also upload Webp images in most image upload related forms.
- Image & Image Grid blocks now have the same hover animation if they contain URLs.
- Image & Image Grid blocks now have the option to open in new tab if they contain URLs.
- Improved performance of the whole script & cron job by not running queries to the database when not needed.
- Improved RSS feed block to support automatic thumbnails.
- Improved user experience on biolink block deletion, page is no longer reloaded.
- Improved the overall look of the colors & dashboard.
- The New Users Webhook now sends the source data of the creation of the user as well.
- The New Payments Webhook now sends the plan expiration date as well.
- Taxes set from the admin panel can now contain decimals.
- Cleaned up similar & redundant translations.
- Fixed block statistics page bugs.
- Fixed a few bugs and small issues from the past update.
- Fixed captcha for biolink pages settings not saving in the admin panel.
- Fixed item duplication when using offloaded storage (such as S3).
Update 25.1.0 - 14 October, 2022
- Implemented color picker tool.
- Implemented number to words tool.
- Implemented file mime type checker tool.
- Implemented random number generator tool.
- Implemented text to upside down text tool.
- Implemented text to old english text tool.
- Implemented text to cursive text tool.
- Implemented list alphabetizer tool.
- Implemented reverse list tool.
- Implemented reverse words tool.
- Implemented reverse letters tool.
- Implemented emoji remover tool.
- Implemented list randomizer tool.
- Improved theme switcher: now the logo will automatically switch as well.
- Blog category pages now also show a sidebar with widgets, for consistency purposes.
- Fixed blog post not properly setting the opengraph image for social networks.
- Fixed a few bugs and small issues from the past update.
Update 25.0.0 - 7 October, 2022
- Implemented statistics latest entries page.
- Implemented biolink OpenSea NFT block.
- Implemented the ability to see the source of registration of an account (social, API, normal).
- Implemented new payments webhook in the admin panel.
- Implemented tools searchbox.
- Implemented tool page similar tools suggestion entries.
- Implemented BMP to WEBP, GIF, ICO, PNG, JPG tools
- Implemented GIF to JPG, WEBP, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
- Implemented ICO to JPG, GIF, PNG, WEBP, BMP tools.
- Implemented roman numerals to numbers tool.
- Implemented numbers to roman numerals tool.
- Implemented gallons to litters (Imperial + US) tool.
- Implemented liters to gallons (Imperial + US) tool.
- Implemented reverse IP lookup tool.
- Implemented JPG to WEBP, GIF, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
- Implemented WEBP to JPG, GIF, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
- Implemented PNG to JPG, GIF, ICO, WEBP, BMP tools.
- Implemented Kg to Lb converter tool.
- Implemented Lb to Kg converter tool.
- Implemented Mph to Kph converter tool.
- Implemented Kph to Mph converter tool.
- Implemented signature generator tool.
- Implemented Km to Mi converter tool.
- Implemented Mi to Km converter tool.
- Implemented 11 new SHA generator tools.
- Implemented MD2 generator tool.
- Implemented MD4 generator tool.
- Implemented Whirlpool generator tool.
- Reworked, improved and fixed a few already existing tools.
- Reworked the admin panel user view page to see all the details available for a user account.
- Improved upload type fields: now it will specify the maximum size allowed.
- Updated some external libraries to their latest versions.
- Now you can install the product and use it on PHP 8.1 as well (please report if there are any related bugs).
- Blog posts featured image is now considered the opengraph image as well.
- Blog posts pages now also have a sidebar with widgets, for consistency purposes.
- Improved the QR code reader to work better on different browsers.
- Improved the API for QR Codes, now you can specify the style of the QR as well.
- Improved the duplication system, now it will also duplicate the assets (images, videos) as well.
- Multiple code cleanups & improvements throughout the product.
- Fixed specific email sending with default webhost settings for Email notifications.
- Fixed Two Factor Auth not working in some cases.
- Fixed Vcard export not properly displaying some UTF8 characters.
- Fixed Biolinks settings iconpicker not displaying in certain cases.
- Fixed biolink block scheduling not working for embeddable blocks.
- Fixed QR code inner color being reversed with outer color.
- Fixed biolink background being removed automatically in certain cases.
Update 24.1.0 - 14 July, 2022
- Implemented new QR code styles: dot & round.
- Implemented new payments webhook in the admin panel.
- Custom domains can not be submitted twice now, if a custom domain is already approved.
- Fixed biolink image uploads issues when using the offload plugin.
- Fixed links passwords not properly re-saving when you edit a link that has a password set.
Update 24.0.0 - 10 July, 2022
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the QR codes system from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the Biolink system from the admin panel.
- Implemented PayPal link generator tool.
- Implemented text size calculator tool.
- Implemented BBCode to HTML converter tool.
- Implemented HTML tags remover tool.
- Implemented decimal converter tool.
- Implemented octal converter tool.
- Implemented morse converter tool.
- Implemented ASCII converter tool.
- Implemented fahrenheit to celsius converter tool.
- Implemented celsius to fahrenheit converter tool.
- Implemented new payments webhook in the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to duplicate vcard & file links.
- Improved all file input fields to better looking ones.
- Improved landing page content and web vitals, making it load faster.
- Fixed image optimizer tool not opening.
- Fixed biolink themes background related issues.
- Fixed duplication of links while being logged in as a team member.
- Fixed Vcard Block avatar not being deleted when requested.
- Fixed image uploading bugs on biolink blocks.
Update 23.0.0 - 3 July, 2022
- Implemented the Dynamic File Links system.
- Implemented the Dynamic Vcard Links system.
- Implemented text separator tool.
- Implemented email extractor tool.
- Implemented URL extractor tool.
- Implemented image optimizer tool.
- Added language code input for the Text to speech tool.
- Implemented Links API for creating & updating shortened links.
- Implemented Teams API for managing everything Teams system related.
- Implemented Google Maps Block.
- Implemented Crypto.com payment processor for the Payment Blocks plugin.
- Implemented Paystack payment processor for the Payment Blocks plugin.
- Implemented Razorpay payment processor for the Payment Blocks plugin.
- Implemented the ability to set an avatar for the Vcard Block.
- Reworked the Affiliate system earnings percentages. Now you can set the percentage on a per-plan basis.
- Reworked the login screen when using two factor authentication for a cleaner look.
- Reworked the Affiliate system referral URL to work on any kind of internal URL.
- Refactored a lot of code, resulting in less translation strings for common recurring words.
- Refactored all deletion modals for consistency purposes, resulting in less code and less translations.
- Improved tracking performance when a user clicks on a biolink block.
- Improved a lot of backend code and removed repetitive code.
- Added a sidebar to the blog post page for consistency and looks purposes.
- Blacklisted domains for URL submissions can now block IP domains as well.
- Fixed biolink block statistics not working properly.
- Fixed guests payments deletion not working for the Payment Blocks plugin.
Update 22.1.0 - 3 June, 2022
- Implemented the ability to check Cities statistics per link without the need to Click on a particular country.
- Improved blog post featured image, not the height is limited for consistency purposes.
- Fixed QR codes download not working when the name contains symbols.
- Fixed 2 Admin panel Biolink Theme system bugs related to background images/videos.
- Fixed Facebook Embed not working on Safari.
Update 22.0.0 - 28 May, 2022
- Implemented the new Blogging system.
- Can be enabled/disabled from the admin panel.
- All posts & categories are added to the sitemap.
- Admin panel blog posts management page with filters, pagination & bulk deletion features.
- Admin panel blog posts categories page with filters, pagination & bulk deletion features.
- Good looking public blog page with recent posts, categories widget & popular posts widget.
- Implemented the ability to filter, paginate & bulk delete the admin panel pages system.
- Implemented the ability to filter, paginate & bulk delete the admin panel pages categories system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable auto language detection via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set a different logo base on the theme style (dark or light).
- Implemented the ability to set a different logo for emails.
- Implemented the ability to set custom images for Biolink Themes from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to upload and use mp4 videos as Biolink page backgrounds.
- Implemented the ability to control the size of the Socials Block.
- Implemented the ability to configure scheduling settings for all types of biolink blocks.
- Implemented the ability to configure display settings based on countries for each biolink blocks.
- Implemented the ability to configure display settings based on device type for each biolink blocks.
- Implemented the ability to configure display settings based on browser language for each biolink blocks.
- Implemented the ability to configure display settings based on operating system for each biolink blocks.
- Implemented Google safe browsing checker tool.
- Implemented Binary converter tool.
- Implemented Hex converter tool.
- Implemented Google cache checker tool.
- Implemented URL redirect checker tool.
- Implemented YouTube timestamp link generator tool.
- Implemented UTM Link generator tool.
- Implemented Whatsapp Link generator tool.
- Implemented YouTube thumbnail downloader tool.
- Implemented Mailto link generator tool.
- Implemented the ability to set meta description and keywords for each tool from the language system.
- Implemented the ability to reset link statistics.
- Improved performance of all pages which use Projects data.
- Reworked and improved the Sitemap to include more pages, dynamically.
- Improved the pages resources center UI & fixed small bugs.
- Reworked the Paddle implementation to work with the new API changes.
- Fixed text to speech tool download not properly working.
Update 21.0.0 - 22 April, 2022
- Implemented the new Tools system with 35 tools.
- Implemented the ability to run ads on the tools system.
- Implemented the ability to only enable the tools for users or guests.
- Implemented DNS lookup tool.
- Implemented IP lookup tool.
- Implemented SSL lookup tool.
- Implemented Whois lookup tool.
- Implemented Ping tool.
- Implemented MD5 generator tool.
- Implemented Base64 converter tool.
- Implemented Base64 image converter tool.
- Implemented URL converter tool.
- Implemented Lorem ipsum generator tool.
- Implemented Markdown to HTML tool.
- Implemented Case converter tool.
- Implemented UUID v4 generator tool.
- Implemented Bcrypt generator tool.
- Implemented Password generator tool.
- Implemented Password strength checker tool.
- Implemented Slug generator tool.
- Implemented HTML minifier tool.
- Implemented CSS minifier tool.
- Implemented JS minifier tool.
- Implemented User agent parser tool.
- Implemented Website hosting checker tool.
- Implemented Character counter tool.
- Implemented URL parser tool.
- Implemented Color converter tool.
- Implemented HTTP headers lookup tool.
- Implemented Duplicate lines remover tool.
- Implemented Text to speech tool.
- Implemented IDN punnycode converter tool.
- Implemented JSON validator & beautifier tool.
- Implemented QR code reader tool.
- Implemented Meta tags checker tool.
- Implemented Exif reader tool.
- Implemented SQL formatter/beautifier tool.
- Implemented HTML entity converter tool.
- Reworked and improved the language & dark mode switcher.
- Implemented the TikTok pixel in the Pixels system.
- Implemented the ability to receive email notifications when new data is submitted to the Mail & Phone collector block.
- Fixed Mollie annual payments not processing correctly.
- Fixed & improved the new multi-language pages feature (admin panel).
Update 20.0.0 - 8 April, 2022
- Implemented an anti-phishing system code for emails sent out to users by the system.
- Implemented RTL support for emails & improved the email templates looks.
- Implemented the ability to create multi-language pages from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to only display verified or all bio link pages for the Directory page.
- Resend activation page will now be disabled if the email confirmation setting is disabled.
- Contact form, you can now reply-to via your email client directly via the sent email.
- Fixed admin impersonation of user logout not working properly.
- Fixed URL slugs being able to have slashes in them and producing 404 not found when accessed.
- Fixed potential cookie consent CSS not loading on some servers.
- Fixed reset password not working for some particular emails & not logging the user in after the password change.
- Fixed bug when logging in with a custom language set, yet the user has another language to his account.
- Other minor fixes, clean-ups and improvements.
Update 19.0.0 - 30 March, 2022
- Implemented the Teams system & released the π¨βπ» Teams Plugin.
- Implemented duplication feature bio link pages (except image content).
- Implemented duplication feature shortened URLs.
- Implemented duplication feature for all bio link block types.
- Implemented cookie consent logging feature to store proof of given consent.
- Implemented cookie consent logging export to CSV.
- Implemented cookie consent settings link in the footer, so that people can change their given consent at all times.
- Implemented cookie consent on biolink pages as well.
- All user sessions will be logged out if the account changes password (security improvement).
- All user sessions will be logged out if the account changes password (security improvement).
- Fixed language preference not persisting when doing certain actions while logged in.
- Fixed language preference of a user being reset when re-logging in.
Update 18.0.0 - 16 March, 2022
- Implemented Paddle payment gateway for one-time payments.
- Implemented the ability to generate discount/redeemable codes in bulk via the admin panel.
- Implemented new dedicated code redeeming page.
- Fully reworked the account related pages for better looks and consistency over the altumcode products.
- Improved look of the footer & admin panel settings page.
- Fixed language switching bug when adding new bio link blocks.
Update 17.0.0 - 2 March, 2022
- Released the new & highly requested π€οΈ Payment Blocks Plugin!
- Implemented the new biolink block types for Donations, Paid Services & Digital Products.
- Implemented Stripe & Paypal as payment processors.
- Implemented the new payment processors management system.
- Implemented the new guests payments management system.
- Implemented the new guests payments statistics page.
- Implemented email notifications for sales, downloadable items, exporting and filtering capabilities for the new system.
- Implemented Cookie Consent functionality, highly configurable via the admin panel and translation system.
- Implemented Discord login functionality, configurable via the admin panel.
- Implemented "open in new tab" enable/disable feature for external links created via the admin panel.
- Default font switched to the default sans-serif stack.
- Improved forms and dropdown icon consistency.
- Fixed pages where ads would show 2 times.
- Fixed phone collector and mail signup blocks Thank you URLs not working.
- Fixed border color not properly saving for a few block types.
- Fixed payment generation issue in some special cases for a few payment gateways.
- Multiple small visual improvements and bugfixes.
Update 16.1.0 - 15 February, 2022
- Implemented link shortener Operating System targeting.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable a language via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to filter translated, non translated and all strings when editing a language via the admin panel.
- Bio link pages can now be exported to PDF via the browser native functionality.
- Fixed various new translation system issues.
- Small other visual improvements.
- Product rebranding from phpBiolinks to 66biolinks.
Update 16.0.0 - 8 February, 2022
- Fully reworked the Languages & Translations system for much better performance, handling and usability.
- Implemented the ability to edit and translate Languages from the admin panel.
- Implemented Crypto.com one-time payment gateway.
- Implemented a fully-featured biolink pages themes system. Themes can be created from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set Custom CSS / JS for each biolink page, toggle-able via plan features.
- Implemented user registration blacklist by country.
- Emojis in URL alias are now allowed for Shortened URLs and Biolink pages.
- Reworked the admin panel footer (added language switcher + theme switcher).
- Reworked the footer of the whole app.
- Reworked the plugin system so plugins won't lose their state anymore when updating.
- Improved UI for all tables on mobile.
- Improved UX workflow bug when skipping trial & introducing billing details.
- Improved responsiveness for account payments & logs pages.
- Improved color contrast in Dark mode.
- Fixed UI alignment issues on mobile.
- Fixed payment generation bug when using discount codes in some cases.
- Fixed admin panel settings UI menu bug.
- Fixed & improved many other small UI issues.
Update 15.0.1 - 4 January, 2022
- Fixed PayPal QR Code template generation not working.
- Fixed PayPal block issue with the Donation type.
- Fixed existing QR Code download not working.
- Fixed Phone Collector filter not working for the data page.
- Fixed QR code creation fields not enabled bug.
- Fixed Dashboard bio link pageviews widget not reflecting the proper value.
Update 15.0.0 - 2 January, 2022
- Now bio link pages can only be verified from the admin panel, as a result of a poll from customers.
- Implemented PayPal payments block.
- Implemented phone collector block.
- Implemented PayPal QR code generator.
- Implemented the ability to export QR codes to PNG, JPG & WEBP as well.
- Implemented a Directory page of bio link pages (can be enabled from the admin panel -> links).
- Implemented a built-in Contact form page (can be enabled from the admin panel -> website settings -> email notifications).
- Implemented the ability to skip a trial when paying for a plan.
- Implemented the ability to block registrations from a particular email domain, from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to purge the cache from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the default data order (asc, desc) the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set the default pagination results the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set a custom 404 page from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to also export to PDF/print data from tables in the admin panel.
- Admin Codes - Implemented the ability to paginate, filter, export data.
- Admin Taxes - Implemented the ability to paginate, filter, export data.
- Improved the caching system of the biolink pages to avoid certain problems.
- Improved the admin panel -> website settings -> main fields, separated them for more clarity.
- Improved the file upload error handling.
- Improved the mail collector block settings form.
- Improved the UX of impersonating a user, as an admin.
- Now reCaptcha and hCaptcha will follow the language that the user currently uses.
- Other small yet many improvements of the whole system.
- Fixed bio link pages URL alias allowed characters problem.
- Fixed a few bugs related to the system.
Update 14.0.0 - 20 November, 2021
- Implemented Yookassa one-time payments system.
- Reworked the landing page for a better look.
- Reworked the admin panel announcements system.
- Implemented the ability to see the list of referred users of a particular user from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set custom css and custom javascript for biolink pages only from the admin panel.
- Other bugfixes & small improvements.
Update 13.0.0 - 13 November, 2021
- Implemented PayU one-time payments system.
- Implemented RazorPay one-time & recurring payments system.
- Implemented Mollie one-time & recurring payments system.
- Implemented Paystack one-time & recurring payments system.
- Implemented an Auto Cleanup functionality for old, inactive users. Can be activated and configured in the admin panel.
- Implemented email notifications for old & soon-to-be-deleted users, if the Auto Cleanup functionality is enabled.
- Implemented QR Code generator background transparency slider.
- Fixed font picker not working properly for biolink pages.
Update 12.0.0 - 3 November, 2021
- Implemented the new highly customizable QR Codes functionality (Create & keep track of multiple QR codes).
- Implemented QR codes pre-built customizable templates (Text, URL, Phone, SMS, Email, Whatsapp, Facetime, Location, WiFi, Event, Crypto, Vcard).
- Implemented QR codes SVG export, gradient colors & many other customization options.
- Implemented QR codes admin panel management & statistics pages.
- Implemented QR codes API endpoint.
- Implemented & developed the new Image Optimizer Plugin -> Image Optimizer Plugin
- Implemented a new Data page, which will contain data from particular blocks that collect data (such as the mail block).
- Implemented Data API endpoint.
- Implemented the new QR Codes functionality.
- Implemented the birthday, job title & dynamic social links capabilities to the Pro Vcard Block.
- Implemented the ability to set the alt attribute for the image & image grid blocks, for accessibility & seo purposes.
- Implemented a new YouTube feed block, for the Ultimate Blocks Plugin.
- Implemented the ability to change the base font size of the whole biolink page.
- Implemented the ability to filter Projects results.
- Implemented the ability to export Projects to CSV/JSON.
- Implemented the ability to filter Domains results.
- Implemented the ability to export Domains to CSV/JSON.
- Implemented the ability to filter Pixels results.
- Implemented the ability to export Pixels to CSV/JSON.
- Implemented the Pixels API endpoint.
- Implemented biolink page pixels caching, for better performance.
- Implemented the ability enable/disable dofollow links for the biolink pages on a per-plan basis, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the captcha for biolink page mail (block) submission form.
- Implemented domain blacklist check against custom domains that are submitted by the user.
- Added more fonts to choose from for the biolink pages.
- Improved the invoices system, now the invoices are immutable.
- Improved the Pixels tracking success rate.
- Reworked the Redeemable Codes system. Redeeming is happening now only from the Checkout page.
- Discount/Redeemable codes can now be applied on a per plan basis (more flexibility).
- Reworked parts of how the taxes system is working in the admin panel.
- Reworked & improved the API documentation page.
- All the data tables are now ordered by the date, descending (previous ascending).
- All the new biolink blocks will not be added to the bottom (ascending order), instead of being randomly ordered.
- Fixed Call To Action block not fully working properly.
- Upgraded all composer dependencies to the latest version.
- Many other code cleanups, improvements and bugfixes.
Update 11.1.0 - 9 September, 2021
- Implemented the ability to set border width, color and style for avatar blocks.
- Improved the look of the verified badge & added the option to move it at the top or bottom of the biolink page.
- Improved the Spotify embedding of tracks and albums for better looks and consistency.
- Fixed FAQ block content where it would not properly display line breaks.
- Fixed Admin Panel Custom plan update not properly working.
- Fixed TikTok embed block.
- Other v11 related fixes.
Update 11.0.0 - 6 September, 2021
- Developed the new Ultimate Pack Plugin -> Ultimate Blocks
- Implemented Coinbase (crypto) payments.
- Fully reworked the Trial system. Now you can set how many days you want to give out on a per-plan basis.
- Implemented the ability to display, edit and set a Custom plan on the plans section, via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to highlight a particular plan with a particular color via the admin panel.
- Implemented a new way to select biolink blocks when adding blocks to a biolink page, including search functionality.
- Implemented Twitter login.
- Implemented the ability to limit the total amount of biolink blocks a user can have per biolink page.
- Paragraph & heading block has been added instead of the Text block.
- Avatar block has been added instead of the already existing fixed avatar setting (+ size setting & border-radius).
- Socials block has been added instead of the already existing fixed socials.
- Implemented the ability to set custom favicons for biolink pages.
- Biolink link blocks: outline setting has been replaced with the ability to set the border width, style & color.
- Biolink link blocks: Implemented the ability to set the link to open in a new tab or not.
- Added new background gradient presets.
- The verified badge will now show in the footer.
- Fully reworked the social logins workflow for better performance and user experience.
- Reworked the admin panel plan update, create & user update pages for consistency purposes.
- Improved the way plans are displayed.
- Improved the way admin panel plans are displayed.
- Improved all the embeddable blocks: you will now not be allowed to write any type of URL in there, only from trusted sources.
- Added nice hover animation for biolink blocks.
- If you now redeem a plan that you already have on your account, the redeemed plan days will be now added on top.
- Fixed password protected biolink pages bug.
- Many code cleanups, improvements and other small bugfixes.
Update 10.0.0 - 9 August, 2021
- Implemented Google login.
- Implemented the ability to export links visits statistics via CSV and JSON.
- Implemented admin panel bulk deletion feature for Links, Pixels, Projects, Domains.
- Completely remade the PayPal One Time payments with the new V2 API.
- Completely remade the PayPal Subscription payments which fixed a few small UX issues.
- Implemented the ability to view & delete all the user logs from the Admin Panel, filter them, export them via CSV and JSON.
- Implemented user logs device type, country, and operating system tracking for important activities of an account.
- Implemented the ability to view all the used coupons of a particular user from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to export Account Payments to JSON and CSV.
- Implemented the ability to export Account Logs to JSON and CSV & filter them.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable search engine indexing from the admin panel.
- Reworked the ability to send SMTP test emails from the admin panel for testing.
- Now you are able to use utf8 characters in URL aliases, (ex: domain.com/ηΉηΉ)
- Fully reworked the whole admin panel - website settings page, which now avoids some small, yet annoying bugs & UX bugs.
- Reworked the admin panel - pages part for a better UX experience.
- Improved the consistency of the success messages across the platform, while reducing the size of the translation file.
- Fixed small taxes calculation issue.
- Various other improvements, code cleanups, and small fixes.
Update 9.3.0 - 10 July, 2021
- Implemented RTL support.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the Referral system per plan from the admin panel.
- Improved handling of bio link pages that belong to expired plans of users.
- Reworked the Pro Pack Plugin to work with the new Plugins system.
- Fixed and improved small multi-language-related bugs.
- Fixed image & image grid bio link blocks not working properly with the offload plugin.
Update 9.2.0 - 17 June, 2021
- Implemented email reminders for accounts that are on one-time payments (not recurring) 3 days before expiration.
- Implemented the first "Affiliate" plugin, available to purchase - Affiliate plugin
Update 9.1.0 - 11 June, 2021
- Implemented the first "Offload" plugin, available to purchase - Offload plugin
- Fully remade how the multi language system works which results in better UX and SEO.
- Implemented the first version of the Plugins Management system.
- Implemented the ability to change the plans order via the admin panel.
- Fixed a few small bugs.
Update 9.0.0 - 31 May, 2021
- Implemented admin panel statistics total numbers per selected date range.
- Implemented new admin statistics - links, biolink blocks, projects, pixels, domains statistics pages.
- Implemented new admin panel users management - bulk selection & deletion feature.
- Implemented new admin panel Plans API (Read).
- Implemented Thank You URL redirection for mail sign-up biolink block.
- Completely reworked the QR code implementation for biolink pages and shortened links. Now you have a generator to configure and customize your QR code.
- Reworked the checkout flow (better UX) for when the user is required to fill in his billing details.
- Improved all the emails that are being sent (activation, password reset..etc) for consistency.
- Updated the bootstrap library to the latest stable release of 4.6.
- The biolink leap link will now take into consideration Pixels.
- Fixed deletion problem of Pixels & Projects from the admin panel.
- Fixed various small bugs throughout the product.
Update 8.0.1 - 9 May, 2021
- Implemented a new way to update the database.
- Fixed Admin Panel Plans - update all plan subscribers button not working.
- Fixed links page not displaying the delete link modal.
Update 8.0.0 - 8 May, 2021
- Implemented the ability to set announcements text color & background color.
- Implemented the ability to set an opengraph image for the homepage via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set a click limit for shortened URLs.
- Implemented the ability to set an expiration URL for shortened URLs.
- Reworked how the biolink blocks are stored into the database, leading to a way much higher performance / loading speeds.
- Implemented the "name" field for the Email Signup biolink block.
- Implemented targeting by countries for shortened URLs.
- Implemented targeting by browser language for shortened URLs.
- Implemented targeting by device types for shortened URLs.
- Implemented rotation (for A/B testing) for shortened URLs.
- Implemented the new Pixels system (facebook, google analytics, google tag manager, linkedin, pinterest, twitter, quora).
- Pixels can now be set for Shortened URLs as well.
- Removed the old implementation of Fb pixel / Google analytics for Biolink pages in favor of the new Pixels system.
- Implemented the ability to switch between raw html content & wysiwyg editor for the admin panel pages system.
- Implemented the ability to export the Links to CSV & JSON.
- Implemented a new Admin Panel Pixels management page.
- Improved the deletion process of links and biolink blocks with a better modal.
- Fixed biolink block stats not working when used on custom domains.
Update 7.0.1 - 22 April, 2021
- Bugfix custom domains - custom index URL not working.
- Bugfix offline payments - approval not properly working via the admin panel.
- Bugfix shortened links not working on second try.
- Bugfix biolink page preview not working when biolink is publicly disabled.
- Bugfix QR code not working.
Update 7.0.0 - 19 April, 2021
- Implemented the ability to set image uploads size limiters from the admin panel.
- Implemented more biolink block animations, including the ability to set how many times the animation runs.
- Implemented the ability to remove already uploaded biolink related images, instead of only being able to replace them.
- Implemented the ability to use the Upload image feature for SEO Open Graph on biolink pages.
- Implemented the ability to use the Upload image feature for Vcard and Mail biolink blocks.
- Added company field to the Vcard biolink block.
- Implemented an announcements system from the admin panel where you can set short text announcements for your users.
- Implemented the Admin Projects Management page, where you can see all the created campaigns, filter them, export them and also delete any of them.
- Implemented hCaptcha, as a great alternative to Google Recaptcha.
- Implemented Admin API Users List endpoint.
- Implemented the API feature to be enabled/disabled per plan.
- Implemented account API page, including API documentation.
- Implemented API user details endpoint (Read).
- Implemented API payments endpoint (Read).
- Implemented API domains endpoint (CRUD).
- Implemented API user logs endpoint (Read).
- Implemented API projects endpoint (CRUD).
- Implemented API links endpoint (Read).
- Implemented API link statistics endpoint (Read).
- Reworked how custom domains, biolink pages & shortened links are processed for better performance.
- Reworked the projects list page, including the addition of a new "color" field.
- Fully reworked all the statistics related charts to group results by Years, months, days & hours based on the selected date range.
- Some of the forms were remade, now displaying better error messages based on which field generated that error (in case of one).
- Improved UX for the Reset Password, Resend Activation, Lost Password pages.
- Separated the language JSON file into 2 of them: one for the regular user, one for the Admin panel. This change was done for better performance & also for the fact that most people do not need to also translate the admin panel.
- Replaced the TinyMCE library with a faster, more lightweight one for the admin panel pages system.
- Reworked the Admin Dashboard.
- Updated all product dependencies to their latest versions, where available.
- Fixed chrome auto-filling problem on biolink pages.
- Fixed some cases where a biolink page / shortened URL could not be deleted.
- A ton of other improvements, new features, bug fixes, and code cleanups.
Update 6.2.0 - 28 February, 2021
- Implemented the ability for the end-user to upload his own images for the Image block, Image grid block and Link block thumbnail (instead of pointing an URL).
- Implemented the ability for the Admin to receive email notifications when a Custom domain is pending.
- Implemented the ability to view stats by hours for the Admin Statistics page.
- Implemented the ability to select an "All time" date picker range for stats.
- Improved admin panel CSV and JSON exports: now data from all the pages will be exported at once.
- Implemented links cities tracking statistics.
- Implemented links UTM parameters tracking statistics.
- Reworked the statistics latest visits page with a more helpful overview page.
- Various other improvements, new small features, and bug fixes.
Update 6.1.0 - 1 February, 2021
- Implemented the ability to set the Biolink page branding with HTML from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability for the Admin to export to CSV and JSON the users' list.
- Implemented the ability for the Admin to export to CSV and JSON the payments list.
- Implemented the ability for the Admin to set up Webhook URLs events for new user registrations and user deletions (helpful when you want to automatically sign up emails to a newsletter on registration for example).
- Fixed wrong link when trying to access a biolink page from the Admin Panel Links Management page.
- Other small fixes and cleanups.
Update 6.0.0 - 23 January, 2021
- Implemented the new Admin API for the users resource (Create, Read, Update, Delete, One time login).
- Implemented a new documentation page for the Admin API.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the Captcha based on individual pages in the admin panel website settings.
- Fully reworked the dashboard, making it much easier to get started and create biolink pages and shortened links.
- Fully reworked how the Projects system is working.
- Fully reworked all the Admin Panel tables (Users, Payments, Websites).
- Implemented filtering & ordering system in the Admin Panel tables (Users, Payments, Websites).
- Discount codes can now be created for hidden plans as well.
- Discount & redeemable codes can now be shared via a link for better convenience.
- Fixed biolink button statistics not working for custom domains.
- Multiple other fixes, code cleanups, and improvements.
Update 5.5.0 - 5 January, 2021
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable each type of Biolink Block per plans, from the admin panel.
- Implemented a nicer biolink block creation modal.
- Implemented the ability for the Vcard and Mail block to have an image URL thumbnail as well.
- Implemented the ability to set an opengraph image URL for biolink pages.
- Custom domains that get updated by the users will automatically go into pending for the admins to approve.
- Fixed the ability to create new mail sign up forms.
- Fixed RSS Feed block of the PRO Plugin.
Update 5.4.0 - 3 January, 2021
- Image blocks will now also show click tracking statistics.
- Improved the flow of the Payment process when the user needs to enter his billing details.
- Fixed date selectors in some cases showing a wrong date other than the selected one.
- Fixed PayPal subscription payments when a discount code has been used.
Update 5.3.0 - 6 December, 2020
- Implemented the ability to set the default theme style (light/dark) from the admin panel.
- Implemented a filtering feature for the Account Payments page.
- Implemented a filtering feature for the Dashboard page (for projects).
- Implemented a filtering feature for the Project page (for links).
- Implemented the Facebook register button on the Register page as well.
- Fixed potential timezone problems throughout the product.
- Other small improvements and code cleanups.
Update 5.2.0 - 17 November, 2020
- Implemented the ability to set the default biolink page branding from the admin panel.
- Fully redesigned home page.
- Improved the consistency of the design throughout the product, including some UX improvements.
- Improved performance of the website when a user is logged in.
- Implemented htaccess browser caching rules for images, css and javascript.
- Implemented help tooltips for all the features that are blocked on particular plans.
- Fixed problem where accounts wouldn't be able to change their email in some cases.
- Fixed link scheduling bug.
- Various looks improvements and code cleanups.
Update 5.1.0 - 19 October, 2020
- Implemented the Leap Link feature for biolink pages, that can be toggled per plan.
- Implemented the ability to add image blocks on biolink pages.
- Implemented the ability for the admin to disable the main domain to be used as domain for shortening or biolink pages.
- Fully removed and replaced the previous datepicker with a better one.
- Fully replaced the browser tracking library with a new and more up to date one for better accuracy on link statistics.
- Link statistics will try to not count bot accesses from now on.
- Improved the looks and functionality of the admin statistics page.
- Fixed Account Settings page displaying billing form when not needed.
- Fix pages created from the admin panel not being ordered properly.
- Fix invoices where inclusive taxes were not calculated properly.
Update 5.0.0 - 23 September, 2020
- Fully reworked & redesigned the checkout process.
- Implemented the ability to view invoices for all the payments via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to delete payment logs from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability for admins to create & configure taxes from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to attach different taxes for any paid plan.
- Implemented the ability to enable / disable the taxes & billing system completely from the admin panel.
- Implemented email verification when an already existing account is changing their email address to another one for better security.
- Implemented a new plan feature for SEO that can block search engines from indexing the actual biolink page.
- Implemented the ability to set a password to a biolink or shortened link, feature can be toggled via plan settings.
- Implemented the ability to set a Sensitive content warning to a biolink or shortened link, feature can be toggled via plan settings.
- Implemented the ability to enable & disable Music Embeds via the plan feature.
- Implemented the ability to enable & disable Video Embeds via the plan feature.
- Implemented the ability to enable / disable custom domains from the admin panel.
- Now all user submitted custom domains will be added on a Pending status until an admin approves and attaches it.
- Updated bootstrap to the latest version 4.5.2.
- Updated jquery to the latest version 3.5.1.
- Reworked the user account deletion and made it into a new, separated page.
- Improved how certain pages look when no data is available.
- Improved the way a biolink link can be switched on and off.
- Improved the Text Block on the Biolink page to accept multiple line breaks.
- Improved the way biolink social fields are presented to a more consistent format.
- Fixed Admin User Update not being able to set an account to a disabled status.
- A lot of other fixes, code cleanups and improvements that don't need mentioning.
Update 4.8.2 - 5 September, 2020
- Implemented the ability to have custom Invoice number prefix.
- Updated Stripe payment handler to support the latest API version of Stripe.
- Updated Stripe PHP SDK to the latest version.
- Replaced Google's Favicon provider (for displaying website favicons) with a more privacy-friendly solution from DuckDuckGo.
- Now when a user is banned, his links won't be accessible anymore.
- Fixed biolink page title not properly showing up when a custom SEO one is not set.
- Other small improvements.
Update 4.8.1 - 6 August, 2020
- Fixed Biolink page deletion not deleting the actual uploaded images (avatar, background if any).
- Fixed user deletion not deleting all the uploaded images (avatars, backgrounds for all the biolink pages).
- Fixed admin package update not properly working when clicking on update all subscribers button.
- Fixed admin dashboard when the payment system is not enabled for regular license holders, in some cases.
- Fixed admin links ordering by date not properly working.
- Fixed admin users management user deletion not working.
- Fixed project page visual bug when a link is too big.
Update 4.8.0 - 1 August, 2020
- Implemented the ability to ban a user from the Admin Panel.
- Implemented pagination for the Projects list, Biolink pages list, Account Payments, Account Logs, Custom Domains pages.
- Implemented the ability to offer Lifetime deals to your customers
- Implemented the ability to turn off certain Payment Frequencies per Plan (from the admin panel)
- Implemented a dedicated "Thank you" page after a successful payment with access to payment-related data from javascript to also make external affiliate tracking much more easy to implement.
- Implemented the ability to take on Offline payments.
- Improved the performance of the Project page.
- Reworked the Admin Panel User View page to show more details and have direct links to users related content.
- Reworked the Admin Panel Plan Update page to have a more clearly defined actions when updating a plan.
- Improved Admin Codes, Pages, Pages Categories to show a more beautiful default view when no codes are created.
- Improved the Admin Panel Dashboard responsiveness and widgets for mobile.
- Improved a lot of other parts in the Admin panel to be more user friendly.
- Reworked how the Dark / Light switcher is working.
- Reworked parts of the Packages choosing page, Payment checkout page and improved them.
- Reworked parts of the footer to be more responsive and look better.
- Improved the speed of execution of the following pages: Sitemap, Generation of the simple captcha, Stripe & Paypal Webhooks
- Fixed Facebook login not tracking the Country of the user on registration.
- Fixed Free and Trial plans still showing up when they are set to "Hidden".
- Fixed text block not breaking the text when too long.
- Upgraded phpmailer, recaptcha, stripe, fontawesome libraries to the latest versions.
- Ads which are set from the admin panel will now not show on the Login, Register, Lost password, Resend activation and Reset Password, Plan selection, Payment and Thank you payment pages.
- Improved the helper text when adding a custom domain.
- Various other code cleanup and improvements throughout the product.
Update 4.7.1 - 20 June, 2020
- Improved the visual presentation on the Admin Page Create & Update and Admin Page Category Create & Update.
- Now when selecting an image to upload, the user will only be able to select image files that are allowed, to avoid any other confusion.
- Fixed Twitch embed as they have changed their API.
- Fixed Biolink Page preview iframe not being scrollable in certain browsers.
- Fixed Admin Page Update problem not deleting the cache after the update.
- Removed Fontawesome Iconpicker library as it was not updated by the creators of it and it is no longer up to date.
- Made the click box for the Social Icons in the biolink page bigger so that mobile users can tap on them easier.
- Other small improvements and changes.
Update 4.7.0 - 31 May, 2020
- Implemented Additional Global Domains as a package feature.
- Implemented the ability for a Custom Domain to have a custom index redirection.
- Implemented Custom Back-half as a package feature for users to have the ability to choose custom aliases for their links.
- Implemented QR Code for the Biolink pages and Shortened links.
- Implemented Deep Linking package feature that allows the user to have custom URL structures, like mail:// or app://..etc.
- Fully reworked the Admin Statistics page with a new structure and more statistics.
- Fully redesigned the Admin Panel.
- Implemented the ability for a Package to be hidden from the Frontend but still active.
- All the redirects from the Shortened links and Biolink pages are now happening with a 301 Permanent Redirect as its the best choice for SEO purposes.
- Biolink Text block - Title is not required anymore.
- Documentation & Installation process design reworked.
- Biolink page ads will now not show anymore to other users on Biolink pages which are owned by users that have the "No ads" package option.
- Improved default language text and also added helper tooltips for every package feature listed.
- Fixed Link Statistics page not properly counting the stats shown.
- Fixed Stripe payments not counting the usage of discount codes when a payment happens.
- Fixed dates shown on Charts not taking into consideration the language file.
- Fixed Facebook Login not notifying the admin when the user signed up.
- Fixed Admin Link deletion bug.
- Fixed Paypal Recurring Annual payments bug.
- Fixed Admin User Create function not taking into consideration the default timezone and language when creating the user.
- Fixed Admin Settings page being slow in certain cases when saving data.
- Removed the ability to have custom alias URL's for links inside of a Biolink page.
- Other various improvements and fixes.
Update 4.6.1 - 24 April, 2020
- Implemented the ability to have Header and Footer ads specific for Biolink pages (set from the admin panel).
- Fixed redeemable codes not working.
- Fixed footer social icons displaying when they should not.
- Fixed other small visual and technical bugs.
Update 4.6.0 - 22 April, 2020
- Implemented Two-factor authentication option for users to use with their authenticator app.
- Implemented Dark mode.
- Implemented a separated color changer for the social buttons links in the biolink page.
- Implemented the ability for the user to Add, Edit and Delete custom domains.
- Implemented the ability for the admin to limit the number of custom domains a user can add.
- Implemented the ability for the admin to disable custom domains for users entirely.
- Implemented the ability to disable the link shortener functionality.
- Implemented new Text and description block for the biolink page.
- Enabled the ability to edit the transparency of colors for all color related functions inside of the Biolink page.
- Implemented the ability to delete a Biolink page avatar.
- Fully reworked the statistics page for links.
- Implemented more statistics for links.
- Revamped the overall look of the dashboard, projects pages.
- Improved the workflow and preview of the Biolink page when editing it.
- Revamped the documentation look.
- Revamped the installation look.
- Other and many other improvements in the platform.
- Fixed mailchimp sub box not working on custom domains.
- Mailchimp sub box will not be able to be submitted more than once per user to avoid spamming.
- Other small fixes.
Update 4.5.1 - 3 April, 2020
- Fixed cache not updating for custom domains when changing the settings of a Biolink page.
- Fixed Mailchimp integration.
- Fixed Resend Activation page not properly sending the email.
- Fixed Lost Password page not properly sending the email.
- Fixed packages choose button not linking to the proper package.
Update 4.5.0 - 2 April, 2020
- Implemented the ability to edit the name of an already existing Project.
- Highly improved the speed and performance of a Biolink page / shortened URLs.
- Highly improved the speed and performance of the whole website.
- Implemented UTM Parameters new package feature option for user's Biolink pages.
- Implemented Custom Fonts new package feature option for user's Biolink pages to change their font.
- Implemented Socials new package feature option for user's Biolink pages to add their social links.
- Implemented SEO new package feature option for user's Biolink pages to change their title and meta description.
- Implemented the ability for the user to trigger the verified checkmark (show/hide).
- Implemented TikTok video embed for Biolink pages.
- Implemented Mail Sign up form, integrated with Mailchimp or Webhooks.
- Implemented the ability to duplicate a Biolink link.
- Implemented Codes system ( Discount and redeemable codes).
- Implemented Country detection for users on login.
- Redesigned how the plans are looking.
- Improved the responsiveness for mobile screens of the whole website.
- Improved workflow and overall look of the whole website.
- Updated the country detection database to the latest version.
- Implemented sticky preview for the Biolink page when editing the site.
- Fixed Safari preview of the biolink page not looking properly.
- Fixed potential bugs in Paypal payments for certain currencies.
- The registration name field now accepts accented characters as well.
- Removed Instagram Login - Because Facebook has fully removed the API, use Facebook login instead.
- Fixed various timezone related bugs.
- Fixed various datepicker related bugs.
Update 4.4.0 - 27 January, 2020
- Remade the dates translation mechanism to not be based on the server settings anymore but to be fully translatable from the language file.
- Added the ability for the user to change his timezone according to his needs.
- Added the ability to the admin to login as any user on the system directly via the admin panel.
- Added the ability to enable only the One time payment or Recurring or Both from the admin panel.
- Replaced Account Details page with 2 new separate pages: Account Payments and Account Logs.
- Added Account Package page where the user gets more details about his current package his upgrading possibilities.
- Reworked parts of the admin panel look making it more user friendly, visually pleasing and fixing other visual bugs.
- Reworked the Paypal Recurring payments to automatically accept the first payment instead of waiting 5-10 minutes until its processed.
- Implemented pages categories.
- Reworked and improved the pages system.
- Implemented "Resources center" where you can see the most popular pages and categories for all the pages.
- Refactored the look and function of the Admin Page Create / Update pages and included the ability to have hidden pages (not be shown in the footer or top menu).
- Restructured the Account settings page.
- Now the datepicker is fully translatable as well.
- Improve the email sending feature by adding the "Alternative body" to improve the email receiving rates (Thank you Kevin for the suggestion).
- Implemented 2 extra custom fields for the invoice system. Helpful when the provider must include extra details in the Invoice.
- Performance optimization for all statistics related charts and queries.
- Improved Stripe payments formatting for currencies which are considered "zero-decimal currencies" (ex: JPY)
- Fixed the way tooltips show on Switch controls (on/off).
- Fixed last activity field of the user not being updated properly.
- Fixed preview iframe not updating properly if using a custom domain.
- Many other visual improvements and bugfixes.
Update 4.3.0 - 8 November, 2019
- Added Multi Domain feature for Biolink Pages and URL Shorteners.
- Admins are now able to add Custom Domains from the admin panel for their users to choose from.
- Google Safe Browsing API Implemented.
- Spotify Embed: Added "show" and "episode" to be automatically detected and embedded.
- Links will now be able to contain UTF8 characters when shortening them.
- Implemented Admin User Create feature.
- Implemented Blacklisted Keywords feature in the Admin Panel to automatically block the usage of certain keywords when trying to set a custom short url.
- Implemented the ability to turn off the Payment System completely from the admin panel.
- Fully reworked user Email Activation to support any type of emails ( ex: emails with john+doe@test.com ).
- The language that a visitor selected will stick to his account after he creates one for better continuity.
- Deleting a Package from the Admin Panel which has active Subscribers will trigger cancellation of all of its Subscribers but still keep their Package features until the end of their paid term.
- If a user upgrades or changes his current Package, the old Package will automatically get cancelled on the payment gateway as well.
- Improved readability in some places of Date strings with a more human readable format (ex: 9 Nov, 2019 instead of 2019-11-09 ).
- Numerous bugfixes and other small improvements.
Update 4.2.0 - 4 October, 2019
- Invoicing System Implemented.
- Implemented Admin Links management page.
- Replaced Email Templating of Activation and Reset Password Email and made them editable from the language file to make them multilangual ready.
- Implemented user based language change ( good for deciding what language to use when sending mails to the user ).
- LostPassword now sends user language based mails.
- ResendActivation now sends user language based mails.
- Login, Register, Lost Password, Resend Activation, Reset Password pages now are detached from the header and footer for a better UI and UX.
- Register page completely redone and improved.
- Login page completely redone and improved.
- Lost Password page completely redone and improved.
- Resend Activation page completely redone and improved.
- Reset Password page completely redone and improved.
- Biolink Links will not have the actual location url when clicking on a button instead of the Shorted url for the specific url because Instagram does not like URL's that are shortened because they have a higher chance of getting banned.
- Many overall UI and UX improvements.
- Many overall code cleanup and performance improvements.
- Added the total amount of users assigned to a package in the Package list admin page.
- Added Gravatar of the User to display in his account settings page and in the menu.
- Fix problem that can appear on users which have Packages that do not exist / get deleted.
- Now when a biolink gets deleted all of it's sub links get deleted as well.
- Fixed language switcher redirection issues when product is installed on a subfolder.
Update 4.1.0 - 29 August, 2019
- Added Phishtank API Integration to combat phishing sites being used.
- Added the ability to blacklist domains from the admin panel.
- Added Link Scheduling as an optional Package Feature.
- Added Verified Checkmark as an optional Package Feature for Biolink pages.
- Added Spotify Embed Track or Album into Biolink Page.
- Added Visual Icon Picker for Biolink Pages Links Icons.
- Improved Biolink Embeds styling and responsiveness.
- Fixed Header Ads (set from the admin panel) not showing up.
- Updated to last version of FontAwesome.
- Other improvements in the background.
Update 4.0.1 - 26 August, 2019
- Biolink Links now can be ordered from a small view ( mobile ) as well.
- Fixed rare IP parsing problem on the Biolink page.
- Fixed Shorted links scheduling not working properly.
- Improved redirection when deleting / creating a Link inside of Biolink.
- Biolinks Settings Custom Backgrounds will not be accessible anymore to users that do not have access.
- Dashboard Package Widget: Will not say that the Free package has an expiration date anymore.
Update 4.0.0 - 24 August, 2019
- The whole product rewritten from scratch.
- Recurring Payments with Paypal & Stripe.
- One Time Payments with Paypal & Stripe.
- A user can have multiple Projects.
- A project can have multiple Biolink Pages & Short Urls.
- The product now has an integrated URL Shortener.
- Much more advanced statistics on the URL Clicks.
- Highly Customizable Biolink Page.
- Highly Customizable Biolink Links.
- Whole new Admin Panel.
Update 3.0.4 - 9 May, 2019
- Added DatePicker to User Edit Pro Due Date field.
- Stripe payment field is now an input where the user can choose the amount of points he want ( instead of a dropdown ).
Update 3.0.3 - 6 May, 2019
- Fixed Paypal payment bug where the title of the site is too long and would cause an error. Now it automatically trims to the limits set by Paypal.
- Fixed Safari bug where you would not be able so datepick on the statistics graph of the links.
- Fixed accessibility bug in paypal / stripe payments page.
- Fixed bug in normal captcha
- Added extra check for Registration and Account Settings on usernames to not be able to take on certain not allowed usernames ( ex: register, store, login..etc ).
- Login and Register pages will now hold the values previously entered if an error comes up. ( in case a field is entered incorrectly to not have to write all the values again ).
Update 3.0.2 - 4 May, 2019
- Index visual improvements.
Update 3.0.1 - 3 May, 2019
- Bugfix Safari datepicker for scheduling.
- Bugfix Bit.ly option showing up even when it shouldn't.
- Small other code cleanup, improvements and visual fixes.
Update 3.0.0 - 1 May, 2019
- Implemented Link Scheduling option for users.
- Redesigned the whole index presentation page.
- Implemented Google Analytics Integration option for users.
- Implemented Custom Uploaded Profile Backgrounds option for users.
- Added a new badge with the status of the user to the admin users management page
- Paypal payments important bugfix.
- Other small visual and text translation improvements.
Update 2.9.0 - 13 April, 2019
- Bit.ly Auto Shorten Integration with Pro Accounts ( configurable via the admin panel ).
- Implemented New Admin Panel option to add extra allowed extensions to URLs. Like "mailto:", "tel:"..etc.
- Added Default Language Selector in the Admin Panel Website Settings.
- Admin Dashboard Added More Widgets Statistics with beautiful charts.
- Implemented full custom configuration for decimal and thousands separator. (configurable from the language file ).
- Implemented full custom configuration for custom DateTime Format output of dates. ( configurable from the language file ).
- Implemented Full RTL Support ( configurable from the language file ).
- Internal Pages ( created from the admin panel ) will no longer open a new tab. Only the external links will.
- Improved feel and visual on different parts of the product.
- Behind the scenes changing of the handling of users last activity of the account.
- Fixed bug when first uploading a logo to the website settings and potentially throwing an error.
- Tweak on the dashboard after submitting a new link and refreshing the page would add the link again, now it will not do that anymore.
- Now Not Found pages will return a 404 Status Code instead of 200.
- Fixed Potential Bug where Links Admin Management Page and Users Admin Management Page would not show results on some cases.
- Emoji's are now accepted in the Title of the links.
Update 2.8.1 - 9 March, 2019
- Added new field in admin panel: Pro Due Date Email.
- Fixed potential problem with the Visual Editor in Pages Management.
Update 2.8.0 - 6 March, 2019
- Implemented PRO TRIAL ACCOUNTS ( configurable through the admin panel ).
- Fully Reworked Admin Users Management List.
- Fully Reworked Admin Links Management List.
- Fully Reworked Admin Payments Management List.
- New "View User" Page in the Admin Panel.
- Added new 4 card statistics in the admin dashboard.
- Replaced the native color picker with a custom one thats more functional and looks better and works in Safari too ( compared to the native picker ).
- Reworked the Admin Website Statistics page
- Improved Performance and Code Cleanup in almost all Admin Pages.
- Fixed: Error showing up in some cases where users go back after clicking on a link.
- Reworked the Admin Pages Management page.
- Upgraded Bootstrap library to the latest version.
- Upgraded TinyMce library to the latest version.
- Reworked the structure of the Admin Website Settings Page.
- Fixed: Notice in the Account Settings page about the fb_pixel.
Update 2.7.1 - 12 February, 2019
- Fixed link limitation being applied on Pro users.
Update 2.7.0 - 8 February, 2019
- Custom Colors are now implemented for users instead of a defined set of colors.
- New Link Preview: When creating a new link, you will now have a live preview of what it would look like.
- Custom Date Range Selector Added for Hits Statistics Chart.
- Facebook Pixel Integration Added.
- Added option to enable it only for Pro Users or Normal Users too.
- Added cool indicator of current chosen color in the Dashboard Links List.
- Dashboard: Drastically Improved Speed of Database executions.
- Profile Pages: Drastically Improved Speed of Database executions.
- Stripe Checkout Page Improved with extra details for the user on checkout.
- Fixed: Bug on Account Settings Name field where it would not save properly in certain cases.
- Fixed: Visual bug on Dashboard Sidebar when the Pro Badge would look deformed when the Name of the account is too long.
- Fixed problem with profile buttons not being able to be clicked on some android devices.
Update 2.6.0 - 26 January, 2019
- Implemented New Statistics for each links with chart stats of the last 30 days of total hits per day.
- Added New Feature - Limitation of Links for accounts that are not Pro ( this feature can be seen in the Website Settings ).
- Users that are Pro and their Pro expires no longer have the Colored links on their profile.
- Improved and changed Url Parser to accept multiple types of urls.
- Fixed problem with Facebook login where email is not provided by Facebook because it is not existing in the specific account.
Update 2.5.1 - 11 January, 2019
- Fixed instagram and facebook social logins.
- Fixed security bug.
Update 2.5.0 - 12 December, 2018
- Replaced the one time purchases with a subscription based system.
- Admins have the option to set the pricing of the Monthly / Yearly plan from the admin panel.
- Admins have the option to manually add Pro members with the Users Management page.
- Admins can set certain features only available to Pro members or to all users from the admin panel.
- New pro page has been added where users can get the Pro package subscription.
- New pro badge has been added to the dashboard if a user is Pro.
- Improved aesthetics of the index page.
- Profile Buttons now have the chosen color ( instead of white with hover ).
- Store page now shows all users transactions.
- Store page now only shows the payment methods which are available.
- Updated all libraries used in the script.
- Now the no funds error message when user is trying to purchase is more friendly and displays as an info message.
Update 2.4.2 - 9 November, 2018
- Improved the paypal checkout experience.
- Implemented paypal mode switcher in the admin panel (sandbox/live).
- Implemented the ability to set a logo from the admin panel.
Update 2.4.1 - 29 September, 2018
- Fixed google analytics feature.
Update 2.4.0 - 28 September, 2018
- Admin dashboard menu redesigned.
- Imlemented login via username OR email.
- Other small visual improvements.
Update 2.3.0 - 10 September, 2018
- Visual improvements and changes to the homepage.
- Visual improvements and changes to the public profile pages.
- Removed the preview iframe from the dashboard.
Update 2.2.3 - 19 July, 2018
- Added transactions list of that specific user when you are in the User Edit section.
- Added option to change the current points of any user through the User Edit in the Admin Panel.
- Improved security on login.
- Bugfix on the Admin User Edit not being able to change the 'no ads' package status.
Update 2.2.2 - 7 July, 2018
- Improved overall security of the script.
Update 2.2.1 - 27 June, 2018
- Small phpMailer change to the charset encoding to UTF-8.
Update 2.2.0 - 25 June, 2018
- Added CSRF Protection to all the logged in forms.
- Removed the IP logging of the user.
- Added the option for the user to delete his account.
- Auto login after registration added.
- Small changes to the design in the dashboard.
- The user can now see all the data that the script is storing and delete it any time.
Update 2.1.5 - 19 June, 2018
- Fixed bug when html could not be copy pasted into pages (admin panel).
- Fixed bug some translation bugs on Account Settings page.
Update 2.1.4 - 18 June, 2018
- Fixed bug when admins could not delete users from the admin panel.
Update 2.1.3 - 17 June, 2018
- Fixed bug when sometimes when you logout of one tab and try to access previous pages, it would redirect infinitely.
- Fixed potential recaptcha problems from old versions.
Update 2.1.2 - 18 May, 2018
- Fixed admin not being able to delete pages.
Update 2.1.1 - 18 May, 2018
- Fixed social logins not working properly.
Update 2.1.0 - 18 May, 2018
- Reworked the persistent login system.
- Fixed phpmailer library not implemented correctly.
Update 2.0.0 - 18 May, 2018
- Added SoundCloud Music Parser If you add a link for a SoundCloud Song, in the Profile Page it will automatically embed that SoundCloud Song.
- Added YouTube Video Parser If you add a link to a YouTube Video, in the Profile Page it will automatically embed that YouTube Video.
- Added Twitch Channel Parser If you add a link to a Twitch Channel, in the Profile Page it will automatically embed that Twitch Channel.
- Redesigned the homepage.
- Redesigned the admin panel.
- Reworked overall feel and look of all the pages outside of the logged in accounts.
- Added the NoAds Package to the Store for people who want to remove their ads from the site and from the profile page.
- SMTP Settings Reworked with multiple options to set up the SMTP.
- Account Settings Page Reworked.
- Added the possibility for the user to change his Username.
- The whole passwords system reworked.
- Admin Payments List Page added.
- Admin Dashboard Page Reworked.
- Admin Statistics Page Reworked.
- Admin Pages Page Management Reworked.
- Bootstrap upgraded to v4.1.0.
- FontAwesome upgraded to v5.
- Admin Panel Pages Management now they won't strip html tags causing things to not work properly once custom html is inserted.
- Dashboard Cards now can be dragged by a specific icon, to fix user experience on mobile phones.
- Many other bugfixes on the overall product.
Update 1.6.1 - 23 April, 2018
- Fixed login and registration bug after the previous update.
Update 1.6.0 - 20 April, 2018
- Added Store Colored Default option where the admin can set if new users will have the Colored option enabled by default or not.
- Updated the bootstrap library.
- Other small improvements and changes.
Update 1.5.5 - 28 March, 2018
- Fixed small bug with Recaptcha Library.
Update 1.5.4 - 26 March, 2018
- Removed the "@" sign from the profile pages URL.
Update 1.5.3 - 22 March, 2018
- Fixed Facebook Login issue with the new Facebook Login Strict URL Announcement.
Update 1.5.2 - 12 March, 2018
- Improved the design and feel of the homepage.
- Improved some other parts of admin panel.
- Admin is now able to edit users plan manually as well.
Update 1.5.1 - 18 February, 2018
- Improved profile page responsiveness.
- Improved tooltips for the admin panel.
- Improved admin panel with a better feel / usability.
Update 1.5.0 - 14 February, 2018
- Implemented instagram login.
- Redesign of the homepage.
- Design improvements to the dashboard.
- Updated all the dependencies.
- Fixed a lot of small issue.
Update 1.4.0 - 24 January, 2018
- Implemented stripe payment gateway.
- Other small improvements.
Update 1.3.0 - 20 December, 2017
- Added the option to reorder links from the dashboard (Drag and drop reorder).
Update 1.2.1 - 28 October, 2017
- Fixed paypal not going to live mode on checkout.
- Now facebook login redirects to dashboard as well.
Update 1.2.0 - 25 October, 2017
- Fixed potential bug when uploading avatars on some web hosts.
- Fixed potential bugs with SMTP Mailing on newer PHP Versions.
- Now activation emails send a clickable link to activate the user account.
- Now after activation, a custom message will be shown and the user will be redirected to the login page.
- Fixed some potential bugs when deleting users from the admin panel.
- Removed some unnecessary files.
- Added the profile link of the user in the Menu dropdown.
Update 1.1.1 - 15 October, 2017
- Added new package to purchase for users Colored link.
- Added preview of the profile on the dashboardβs sidebar.
- Other small improvements.
- After you login, it now redirects you directly to the dashboard.
Update 1.0.1 - 11 October, 2017
- Fixed some bugs on the homepage.
Initial release - 10 October, 2017